* Posts by supertrooper2

1 publicly visible post • joined 9 Jun 2017

Microsoft officially hangs up on old Skype phones, users fuming


<< In July 2013, Microsoft announced that it was ending support for the SkypeKit software development kit within 12 months because "it does not deliver a consistent Skype customer experience or support our cross-platform application-development efforts". >>

Why did Skype continued to sell RTX Dualphone 4088 on its website after this "so-called" announcement by Microsoft?

I never saw the announcement and would not have realized that "SkypeKit" software had anything to do with the Dualphones, which I bought from Skype quite recently.

Why were we not informed by Skype that "End of Service" was coming?

Pulling the plug in this way on thousands of Dualphone users is an absolute DISGRACE!