... will come some day. It's sad to see such a great country as the US of A collapses in such a pitiful manner. It will take decades to fix all the things Adolf Trump is destroying if it will ever occur.
3354 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jun 2017
Putin has built a corrupt mafia state driven by greed and ruthlessness. So it's no surprise he has a big fan in the name of the Agent Orange.
I see Russian trolls are very active on this site.They must be afraid to have go on the front dying with their Norsk friends, so they must show to their supervisors how active they are.
If we weren't waiting for Russia to attack the rest of Europe in 2028 with the support of the Orange Clown, it would be enjoyable to look at this fantastic show of BS happening in the US right now.
I wonder if the US system is resilient enough to resist the autocratic will of the Orange Clown, or if it will become a dictatorship leading to a civil war.
It's more than time than all European countries understand the threat and stop to rely on the US for their defence because the Orange Clown will betray them, he's an agent of Putin Khuylo after all.
The one who believes he's immune to attacks is just complacent.
Means used by cybercrooks are so big, permeability between criminals and state actors so prevalent that the question is not if attackers will succeed to enter but how deep they will go in the systems.
I doubt we have enough knowledge about Ganymede to be affirmative about this. Sending Europa Clipper to burn into Jupiter atmosphere seems more reasonable.
We'll know more about Ganymede after the study to come by ESA's JUICE
I'm always amazed how beancounters always think in term of cost and never in term of incomes, and how they don't care to bleed incomes if they can save a few costs.
This is a good sign such companies are going to the grave, not without giving a lot of money to the C-suite and shareholders.
Of course shareholders are the culprits. They want more and more dividends, even if it means slowly destroying the company. They only think at a short term view. When they will have extract all the money they can get, they'll move to a new company to do the same destructive work.
A company who makes profits should get a penalty for every worker made redundant.
No surprise. I discovered that even if we pay a Cisco's partner to support an IPBX, this isn't enough, we have to pay Cisco even more if we want help if the problem is serious. The support we pay (a lot) is useless when we need it. This so-called partner also ask us to pay an extra of 6,000 € to update a certificate... something that took me half an hour to do when I found the correct procedure. This is an ecosystem of thieves.
The consequence? We'll do whatever possible to get rid of Cisco's IPBX. It's over-complicated to manage, it's expensive, and now we know that programming (hard coded credentials... WTF!) is shitty. The day we'll get rid of that pile of crap we'll make a party to celebrate.
the start of the SMO
Even Russian Trolls are not authorized to talk about the War Putin Khuylo is waging against Ukraine.
It's understandable, they are too afraid to be sent in jail where they will be deprived to have any contact with their family or being eliminated like Navalny was;
There are indeed Nazis involved in this war, and they are wearing the Russian uniform.
The spacecraft accelerates when it goes in the direction of the Sun because of gravity. A huge amount of energy is required to slow it down. Flybys can avoid to have to bring a lot of fuel instead of scientific instruments. NASA,'s Messenger took 5 years to be able to orbit Mercury
"Liberty consists in being able to do anything that does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of every man has no bounds other than those that ensure to the other members of society the enjoyment of these same rights. These bounds may be determined only by Law."
Liberty isn't the right to do whatever you want.