* Posts by Drtim

2 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jun 2017

Microsoft officially hangs up on old Skype phones, users fuming


Re: Dualphone

"If I am informed that a service / device will stop working, I will look for an alternative, before it dies, I don't wait until it stops working and then try and get compensation for lost business."

So do I, but I wasn't informed.

Microsoft (apparently) stated Skypekit was being discontinued but that date had long passed and my phone still worked so it can't be using Skypekit right? Don't forget, this is an official Skype branded phone, still on sale and listed on the Skype website so it must be ok surely? Why would I think otherwise?


Re: RIP Skype ?

I am the chap. At the time I set everything up, my only internet connection was over a slow 3g link and none of the SIP codecs would work reliably. Skype however did. And it all worked great, cordless phone, landline number, cheap calls and no ads as it was just a phone.