Did anybody actaully try to deploy and run Kubernetes on google cloud? With google's native offering. They supposed to have an amazing offering and tight integration with all their services, right?
Well, not so much.
Upgrading of the cluster works great, an engineer can do full cycle upgrade to a next k8s version in half an hour. However, the master node will go down for 1-2 minutes (!) when a manually issued cli command applied. Yup, that's right - there is no way to version-control this process. Nothing like CloudFormation.
Now, running services is a breeze. Except passing traffic in (so-called "ingress"). Sure, you can create a load-balancer for each service, that's pretty easy. But there is no DNS integration, no logs, no metrics out of that loadbalancer. And for each little micro-service running you'll need a new loadbalancer provisioned.
But that's not all that bad. There is Cloud Endpoints ("API Gateway") - where services from kubernetes can be integrated with managed API. But look up the docs of that integration for kubernetes and compare it with AWS API gateway integration for pretty much anything.
And these are just a few issues you'll run into immediately. Sure, if you're a startup - not a big deal. Each team can manage own kubernetes cluster. But if you're an enterprise that requires proper configuration management, version control of changes, availability, documentation, integration with all other systems, support - then kubernetes will be a very hard to sell.
It like openstack - but for containers.