* Posts by Mike Perrett

4 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Aug 2007

Why are we disappointed with the best streaming media box on the market?

Mike Perrett

Nice content, but what about the sound?

I was really pleased to get my Roku 3 and have easy access to Netflix, NowTV, Amazon Prime and so forth... But the thing I really miss about the ASUS Media Streamer that my Roku replaced is the Digital Audio out port that plugged directly into my Dolby Digital/Pro Logic Stereo Receiver.

Now I just have to put up with really poor sound from what would otherwise be an excellent media streamer.

iPhone turns blue as IBM creates Lotus client

Mike Perrett
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No doubt you're an M$ LookOut! Junkie. You're probably comparing a Lotus Notes v4 client (released in 1996) with an Micro$hite product released more than 10 years later.

Take a look at Notes 8, the composite nature of the applications brings data together from many sources on one screen. and knocks LookOut! into a cocked hat. Sure those older versions of Notes may not have looked as pretty, but I never had a virus or malicious piece of code execute in a Notes client in more than 10 years.

And in terms of scalability, the server knocks spots of the M$ Exchange server too. Just wake up and smell the coffee.

I think its great news from IBM and might just provide a corporate solution other than Crackberry, so hopefully their tariffs may drop in response.

Nintendo to fire Wii Zapper into Europe for Xmas

Mike Perrett

Nice, but

I'd be happier if they worked on boosting the console supply across Europe, I can't find one on the high street for love nor money!

Could Linux become the dominant OS?

Mike Perrett

You crack me up....

To comment further on Steven Hewitt's comments. I don't give a damn if we get into a flame war, you clearly have not done your research:-

- There is nothing like Exchange for Linux

Thank Christ for small mercies - Exchange is limited in functionality. If you want a true collaboration run IBM/Lotus Domino. Top notch support for a commercial offering with true collaborative applications.

Oh yeah and there's the small matter of Lotus Notes running natively on Windows, MAC and LINUX too. In case you don't know Lotus Notes is the client component that provides all the end user tools a user could want.

The latest and greatest release has in-built productivity editors (similar to Open Office), making Lotus Notes a one stop solution for many businesses wishing to run a supported Linux environment at the desktop.

Honestly, I can't believe I'm the first to point this out, the bias towards Microsoft when discussing Linux is simply staggering.
