* Posts by Sparhawk1965

1 publicly visible post • joined 23 May 2017

Emissions cheating detection shines light on black box code


Emission Standards are worthless despite cheating

The current set of Euro Emissions standards are a sham. All they test is what the car emits over a 20 minute cycle whilst performing in a lab.

The best you can establish is that the car passed a test whilst in a lab, unfortunately it doesn't have to perform like this on the road. This allows the manufacturers to "Game" the system and encourages cheating.

Nearly all cars fail the test when on a road and some exceed the emissions standards by as much as 40 times the permitted levels.

Governments, Regulators and the EU have all failed to enforce the limits and allowed the manufacturers to get away with cheating the system for far too long.

Since VW were caught with their lederhosen down and actually cheating to pass the test, we have seen a concerted effort from VW to try and cover this up within Europe. Currently the fix within Europe is a software only fix, which is supposed to remove the cheat code, but by doing this they also have to make the cars meet the emissions standards. Doing this alters the cars ignition sequence to produce 3 times the soot/particulates by not fully combusting the fuel. This has the effect of making the car sound like a 30 year old taxi, lose power in the mid range, become less fuel efficient, and make the Exhaust management system prone to failure (i.e. ERG Valves, DPF filers, Injectors, and Turbo's) have been failing soon after having the fix applied.

In order to keep this hidden, VW (VAG) are replacing these parts as a goodwill gesture, but why would they do this if the fix actually worked and didn't destroy the engines.

We now have a situation where they are looking to introduce an emissions charge for driving/parking in some city's, based on a failed emissions standard, where a Euro3 certified car is fined, for emitting less emissions than a new Euro6 certified car, where the only offence was to be driving it o the road, as the cars are only certified to be driven in a lab.

You couldn't make it up if you tried.

With the soon to be