* Posts by virtualcolossus

3 publicly visible posts • joined 15 May 2017

UK's beloved RNGesus machine ERNIE goes quantum in 5th iteration


Virtual ERNIE

If you want to know more about the original ERNIE 1, I have written an online simulation which is free to use and you just need your browser.

It's at https://ernie.virtualcolossus.co.uk and you can learn how ERNIE worked and get it to generate and print some bond numbers (although not ones that mean you'll win anything!). As stated in the page above, it's a phenomenal machine for it's time and was a pleasure to learn about and build over the past year!

Have a go with this WW2 German Lorenz cipher machine – in your browser


Plus also the fact that there a working Virtual Colossus to with instructions on how to break the Lorenz on the same site ...


Re: not coding for accessibility strikes again

Older versions of Internet Explorer (even up to v11) are missing the methods required to display properly.

Try with any other modern browser and you should be fine (Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge)