Waiting for the time when AI can infer all the code from our product PR bull. I would love to write code through PR crapola gotta be better than JS
Posts by HoggertyHog
7 publicly visible posts • joined 13 May 2017
I'll take your frame to another dimension, pay close attention: This AI auto-generates 3D objects from 2D snaps
Gaze in awe at the first ever movie of a solar eclipse from recording long thought lost forever
Reg man straps on Facebook's new VR goggles, feels sullied by the experience
Level 5 driverless cars by 2021 can be done, say Brit industry folk
Driving at nght in the rain on commuter-choked, cratered, diesel slicked roads, the only hope I have sometimes is that the meat sack passing my car within 2 ft and a relative speed of 120mph is that we both know we do not want to die (this is is the assumption at least). I could not make that assumption with an AV. How do we build trust in these things?
HMRC's switch to AWS killed a small UK cloud business
"pulled the plug on a services contract" Not knowing anything about DataCentered. But is there a risk that they got drawn down the road of oh phat contract how can we monetize? The NHS is riddled with this crap where, for example, a 3rd party infrastructure provider wants 6kquid to provision a single VM. I am if-treeig but maybe a predictable up-front cost is easier for HMRC to consume? Oh and look they can flog the data and get AI services!!
Google DeepMind's use of 1.6m Brits' medical records to test app was 'legally inappropriate'
Medical device?
Its a medical device (AI or not) as it affects patient treatment. That means ISO13485 and CE marking There are so many more risks involved in producing medical products, there is a clear risk based standard that every medical device producer in EU is required to follow. If you are not following this, you are by definition risking patient lives. No idea if google did this.
In terms of data collection and processing:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation will have real teeth (fines a max of 4% global turnover) when it comes into force next May. Probably one of the main reasons we have been told to leave EU...
74 countries hit by NSA-powered WannaCrypt ransomware backdoor: Emergency fixes emitted by Microsoft for WinXP+
Re: Risk Management
I'm only familiar with ISO13485 (Risk Management for medical devices) but there should be something out there for other critical information systems in health care. We failed as a society, to impose the necessary standards required to risk access use of systems for critical operations over a long period of time.
No wait, they raised it as a risk, realised the only way to mitigate it was a system change, requested the funds, and had it refused by Hunt. The blame must lie with him or whoever refused it.