* Posts by cosuna

3 publicly visible posts • joined 12 May 2017

Devs shun smartwatch work, gaze longingly at web-only apps again

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That's what FoxPro and Visual Basic guys thought...

I'm completely bewildered by the article and comments like this one.

I all you're application does is show information and accepting web like input, then you're stuck in the Aughties, that is, your application will survive even less than Ionic.

Today most modern companies are pushing for the Digital Transformation and although the haven't yet started hiring people in the old IT departments to fulfill their visions, sooner or later, they'll get to you and they will demand Snapchat-like apps that receive data from the phone in realtime. That's a no no from the web stupidity that Ionic and Angular offer.

We've been there, done that. Want to imitate Uber with Ionic? Please don't. Want to feed video, with 3D filters (for example to automatically delete faces of people not on board), or want to serve streaming audio, or both that can rapidly change depending on the bandwidth (ala Netflix but useful for WebEx too), Look elsewhere.

So yes, if you want your career to get stuck between 2000 and 2007, before the birth of the iPhone, go ahead, GET STUCK WITH THE WEB.

Microsoft backtracks: 'We are going to support .NET Framework with ASP.NET Core 2.0'


Re: Casting the .NET far and wide

The real problem is the lack of accountability.

.NET should've handled in tiers just like Windows with an ultimate deliverable at the end of the road.

For example, you have Windows 10 Home which has some APIs and some functionality.

Then there's Windows 10 Pro, which has others.

Then there's Windows Server.

.NET needs this kinds of direction as a global "plugin" for the Windows Ecosystem. There should be at least three tiers: a) .NET Core b) .NET Core + ASP.NET c) .NET Framework + ASP.NET.

I think that internally I think they had it solved when they created .NET Desktop (.NET Framework + WCF + WPF) and .NET Web (.NET Framework + WCF + ASP.NET) but now, we lost them again.


No confusion, whatsoever

I'm pretty sure nobody at no time has been confused with this .NET Core, .NET Standard, .NET Framework thingy.

I'm pretty sure that everybody needs another useless refactoring effort which will break compatibility for everyone.

My suggestion: Treat .NET Core as Windows 10 and .NET Framework as Windows Server. If you want to target a developer friendly cross platform universe, use ASP.NET 2.0 Core. If you want to target IIS and Windows Server use ASP.NET 6.0 Framework.

The best solution would off course be if Windows Containers get off the ground and we just create Dockerfiles for one or the other.