Their origin is clear
According to:
they're based on Mars. Now, who do we know from there?
8 publicly visible posts • joined 8 May 2017
My Mi 9 Lite is currently on 11RKQ1.200826.002
Security update 2021-05-01
Didn't need 5000 engineers for that, did they? 'Just rolling out'? Xiaomi roll out updates faster than any other manufacturer I've bought a phone from.
I don't mean to be contradictory. Well, I guess I do but not aggressively.
I can't fault them and their speedy rollout of updates is one specific reason that I like them.
Just sayin’ (suddenly I feel quite hip, second attempt below):
I’d like to point out that silver has been used as an anti-bacterial for years. In clothing.
Admittedly I haven’t read the Kickstarter page because I can’t be arsed. Maybe it washes itself in fairy dust every time that you sweat. Self-spawning a new item of clothing would be particularly impressive.
As an early adopter on Kickstarter, I’ll happily review this product after launch. Through speech recognition, synced with my glasses, whilst riding a hoverboard.
On Mars.
Capita aren't the only reason for low recruitment figures.
Cuts by the government ensured that no-one in their right mind would want to sign up. It's not the career that it used to be.
Add to the that the farce that is now the Reserve Forces and no-one wants to join them either. Hence there's no way that the capability of the armed forces can be shored up by the reserves.
Under-manned. Under-powered. Under-equipped. Under-funded. Under-represented.
A bit like councils. The NHS. STEM and so on.
I'll bite.
'Nation states don't do hacking, nor anything else for that matter if the truth be told,'
Utter, utter bollocks.
So, am I responding out of context?
'Prime ACTors do, and ideally for both nation state[s] and Prime ACTor[s], to positively reinforcing and increasing mutual self benefit.'
So if it's not 'the state', it's state sponsored? Or are they black-hat and hope that if they hack for a state (without permission, ergo 'black hat') they'll be handsomely rewarded?
We're not talking about Popov here.
I'd love to know where in the good ol' US of A you live.
A large part of the issue with privacy in the UK is the sheer population density. That's something you don't have in the US outside of the major cities.
As it happens, Orwell is my favo(u)rite autho(u)r. By a long shot. Not just for 1984, I've read everything he's ever knowingly written.
You seem to think we feel that it's acceptable to be spied upon as long as we're not caught anywhere on camera. But then you go on to suggest that online surveillance is acceptable and/or that we don't understand it.
You just described residents of the USA.
Your message is mixed and there's no point to your barbed comment, unless I'm missing something integral to your argument?