Are they in custody?
Authorities know their names but have they actually caught them?
166 publicly visible posts • joined 6 May 2017
I'm strongly in favour of abortion rights, but 29 weeks is about 6,5 months. That's disturbingly close to an actual person.
Aren't chemical abortion aids only meant for relatively early terminations, say up to 10 weeks or so? I suspect the prospective mother put her life at risk using a chemical abortifacient at such a late stage.
These high figures quoted for incarceration are probably the total admin costs of the penal system, divided by the number of prisoners
I'll bet the incremental costs of adding or releasing a prisoner are more in line with an old age pension payment or less.
A news report from about three weeks ago announced a cheap AED for home use for about $300 AUD (or $210 US or 160 UK neglecting VAT). It appears to be single use only as you have to tear the packaging open to use it, but how many strokes or MIs do you expect in the same household?
Automated milking sheds allow the cows to come in and be milked on their time table, not the farmers. Over the last century or more there has been a massive increase in the milk production per animal via selective breeding, but the animals are still only milked on the old schedule of twice a day. This means for the last hour or two the cows' udders are distended with milk and girls are really "busting to go".
With automated milking the cows can wander in when they feel like it and be much more comfortable as a result. An Australian documentary I saw claimed that herds in automated sheds had an average of 15% greater milk production per animal with one individual achieving a 25% milk increase.
>>>" Hmm. Cows wander round with unique ear tags, also activity monitoring collars with connectivity and may even have a passive tag in an ear for the parlour feeder to identify them. Has this project really been necessary?"
It sounds like just a few cameras with facial recognition could replace most of the stuff you've listed above.
The tax was owed by the original contractors, so I wouldn't be surprised if the tax department says that they still owe that amount.
It's not the tax office's problem if the contractors gave their money to a bunch of crooks to pass it on, rather than looking after that detail themselves. If the contractors are lucky the tax office will forego making them pay penalty charges as well.
I'll wager most of the punters in the current covid-19 environment will be paying for their booze with either credit or debit cards, so their IDs are fully recorded anyway.
I fear most people don't realize how the elimination of cash payments provides a pervasive tracking facility for everyone. Everywhere you go, at what time, how much you spend, and a fully itemized list of everything you spend it on is recorded and kept for years.
It makes the current discussions about privacy in the tracking apps a bit of a joke in my opinion (and we haven't even discussed Google's tracking).