Read his statement again, only imagine it in Donald Trump's voice.
Posts by tokamaktech
11 publicly visible posts • joined 4 May 2017
No Court of Appeal for you! Judges uphold Aria PC firm VAT fraud ruling
DXC: Everything is going to plan, too well in fact... we've chopped so many staff, our IT projects are now behind
After repeated warnings Facebook bans Britain First for 'inciting hatred'
Perhaps that was the specific infraction?
Honestly I really hope this is the beginning of the end of all hatemongering idiots across all of the spectrums of hatemongery on horribly toxic social meeja, but it's more likely that these convicted criminals and their organisation will just become further martyred for their hairyknuckled supporters as it's easier for Facebook to justify pulling the trigger when a beak has said it too.
Here's hoping Facebook shovel the love out equally.
Shiver me timbers! 67cm Playmobil pirate ship sets sail for Caribbean
Knock, knock? Oh, no one there? No problem, Amazon will let itself in via your IoT smart lock
Twitter reckons Trump's Nork-baiting tweet was 'newsworthy'
Giant frikkin' British laser turret to start zapping stuff next year
Headless body found near topless beach: Missing private sub journalist identified
Australia releases MH370 sea floor data but search is still off
Greater Manchester cops fined after victim interview vids lost in post
So the police lose £150K, as they obviously have the cash to spare... whereas the senior management scum responsible for ignoring the law (which obviously doesn't apply) isn't run up a flagpole by their sensitive parts as a warning to the others.
C'mon, is that the society we really want to live in? Recent voting trends imply it is not.