Re: re the fluffy little women can't hack it nonsense.
So... how many anecdotes does a data point make?
6 publicly visible posts • joined 3 May 2017
The argument laid out was NOT well reasoned, for many reasons.
One that stands out - discussions of the "average woman" vs the "average man" in the workplace and inherent traits etc etc etc and forces the acceptance of that premise to then prescribe hiring practices (which have absolutely nothing to do with him) at Google.
He's already failed at the first step - it's basic logic. What he is saying is the equivalent of:
1. Many horses are blue.
2. Blue horses tend to lose footraces.
3. We should never race blue horses.
Since it appears that person hasn't moved beyond the 1890's, replace "horses" with people, "blue" with women, "lose footraces" with "have emotions" and "race" with "hire". Can nobody else see the gaping hole in his logic?
Accepting that his argument is well reasoned - yeah, better leave that one anonymous.