Too big for me
I use a 43" 4K TV as my monitor and I can honestly say that I wouldn't like a personal monitor any larger.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 2 May 2017
I'm on 1G Gigaclear and my Panasonic TV wouldn't play Blue Planet 4K, but my 43" LG (which I also use as my 4K PC monitor) played it beautifully, as did iPlayer on the PC. The images were absolutely stunning.
I suppose we are back to the old story of TV manufacturers ignoring customers once they have made their initial buck and not back supporting the evolving standards - which are only evolving as the TV manufacturers have made up their own standards! Roll on 8K as it is at least a fixed standard.
I was conducting an interview a couple of weeks ago when a young woman came in wearing an above the knee skirt (with matching jacket - so obviously intended to be a smart suit). I had to leave a note for my (luckily) female co-interviewer and made an excuse to leave the room. One minute later I returned and the interviewees knees were tightly clamped for the rest of the interview. I have no idea how I could have dealt with it if I was on my own, without all the possibilities of sexual misconduct that could have arisen if I had said anything, or couldn't keep my eyes on hers!
Download your homework from the portal (Virtual Learning Environment) - mostly posted as PowerPoint slides, taking up to 1/2 hour per subject.
Upload your answers in the PowerPoint slides at around a tenth of the speed. Obviously it doesn't add up, and the teachers are so IT-illiterate that they don't know how to minimize the file sizes, or accept the answers in anything other than the original format.
I had many arguments with the school when the teachers refused to accept the answers on a USB memory stick, before the school finally agreed that the children could upload from stick to the VLE before school the next morning.
There are many videos on the VLE, or linked sources that the children are expected to view as an essential broadening of knowledge on the subject. We had links so slow (often 256KBps) that even watching the videos was impossible.
In my experience 'air-gapped' also means in a secure room with no other computers. Often with thick and very solid walls and no windows.
But then I may have strange experiences, such as being told in 1985 that computer-to-computer communications using ultrasound and single speaker/microphones was not sufficiently difficult to chose as an HND IT project at Leicester Poly. And yet people publish this tripe now for degrees! And they say that degrees are not being dumbed down!
I've seen this first hand in the mid 90's. The 5 person company I worked for offered to sell our prize possession to a US based multinational. They had a copy of the software for 2 weeks to evaluate, but said that they did not want to pursue the purchase. 6 months later they announced their substandard knock off. When my boss rang them up, they said "We have more money, and more lawyers than you could ever afford!"
I had to get 30% sign-up in each of 3 Parishes to get enough potential revenue to make Gigaclear a go'er for us. It took nearly a year to educate sufficient parishioners on the difference between what they had then and on what they could have in the future (now).
Most were very happy that they could now Skype, order their groceries online, or use catchup TV, but 2 years on, I bet that most couldn't tell you what kind of service they have, only that it's much better than before.
As local accents die out; as a population we're becoming more gutter 'Essex'. Then due to uniformity, the data set can shrink, and the accuracy of translation should go up. I hope.
"Yent nevr gunna git Rowl - Yent!" trans. "I don't think that you will ever understand the Rothwell based accent". Source: Rothwell & Desborough, Northamptonshire very local accent. (So local that even BBC Radio Northampton, based 15 miles away, took the p*ss out of it!)
In the 1970's and 80's when I went to the local school, it would take newly imported teachers about a month to understand us properly. The only careers advice I was ever given was "get some elocution lessons, if you want to work more than 5 miles away!"
Sadly now a very diluted accent as the town has grown with outsiders and the youth has learnt to speak from the TV and Internet rather than talking with their parents.
Decades ago I worked for a UK distributer/dealer of a major Japanese electronics company. For many years there were a number of UK distributers/dealers who competed for trade in the available marketplace, before the Japanese company 'rationalised' to only have one distributer, who the others had to buy from and compete with.
My company paid all creditors (even HMRC), reduced their assets to 1 table and chair, whilst running up a huge tab with the remaining distributer. When we went into voluntary receivership, we nearly took the remaining distributer down. The only time I've been happy with redundancy!
Remember that the Government are wanting to get rid of the TETRA radios that the emergency services use and move them over to 4G phones instead. I mentioned this to my MP and received a reply from a mandarin explaining that 4G coverage is universal and better than TETRA!
The maps say that I should have good 3G coverage - so why do I have to run down the street to get my 2FA texts which 4 out of 5 times have timed-out by the time I receive them? The operators (we have 3 different ones between the family members to get coverage at our workplaces) say that they will not supply a femto-cell so that we can get a signal as the maps say that we have good coverage.
I'm on the TPS but I keep getting calls along the lines of "We need to make you aware of a new government scheme...."
Because they withhold their number the TPS won't investigate.
Now, I know that I could "press 2 to speak to one of our operatives", in order to find out who they are, but (a) that would tell them it's a real number that answers (b) it might cost an arm and a leg
Look up "Bill Stone rebreather"
This guy is the guru when it comes to modern closed loop breathing systems and a damn fine caver and cave diver to boot! He's done 24 hour plus test dives.
This coming from a caver who has only been cave diving in cold, tight and zero visibility UK sumps. - None of this fancy, warm, spacious and being able to see malarkey you get abroad :-)
When it comes to defense and aerospace there is still a place for non-critical activities on mass-market software - Microsoft OS and applications, or similar - for writing reports, etc.
For the critical operations, the embedded OS's are supplied with board support packages on the COTS hardware item (board or sub-system level). OS such as VxWorks 653, Integrity 178, DEOS, Lynx178, etc.
COTS here really means that you buy your DO-178C/DO-254 certifiable hardware/OS combination with its necessary certification artifacts as a package. The cost of all this hard work by the supplier being spread over a number of projects/customers. Bespoke solutions are becoming as rare as hens teeth as each one would need the costly certification artifacts creating as a one-off.
Radstone became part of General Electric and were then spun out as Abaco System.
I can confirm that Abaco Systems are still very much alive and kicking in rural Northamptonshire, UK and Huntsville, Goleta and Boston in the US. And actively selling worldwide through local Sales and FAE's.
I have a 42" LG 4K Satellite TV with HDMI 2.0b input for working from home.
I tend to have 3 or 4 applications side by side, with each making use of the full height. Rock steady output from a Dell laptop at 29Hz.
Great for software writing and static/dynamic analysis work.
I personally wouldn't want anything larger as I have to physically move my head around vertically - even at the ergonomically correct arms length from the screen.
Best of all was £300 price tag though!
You can deal with Single Event Upsets with relative ease in specific applications - hiding it all under/in the hypervisor could provide the COTS/SAAS answer.
In low earth orbit (within the Earth's geomagnetic field) I think that interaction with the blown up Chinese satellite would be higher up the risk matrix.