* Posts by jamesdanielkirk

5 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2017

Who's that padding down the chimney? It's Puma, with its weird £80 socks for gamers


Is there any chance

That this is what we Americans refer to as a "joke"

Opal Fruits, Princess Diana and... PowerToys? Microsoft is dragging Windows 10 back to '95


I miss

TweakUI and the abilty to stop new windows from steal focus

Pentagon on military data-nomming JEDI cloud mind trick: There can be only one (vendor)


Am I wrong?

I saw the quote While security of data within clouds is largely standard and automatic," and almost spit out my coffee. So did some magic occur to automatically secure cloud based information and the Reg not cover it?

Dead serious: How to haunt people after you've gone... using your smartphone


With your references to Slade song titles I'm not sure you're young enough to wait for the app to be on Android.

BOFH: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back


A masterwork