Now this is a newpaper I can get behind
Posts by bwesley
6 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2017
As Australia is gripped by bog roll shortage, tabloid says: Here, fill your dunny with us
El Reg needs you – to help build an automated beer-transporting robot
Indian comms satellite gives boffins back home the silent treatment
Fresh docs detail 10-year link between Geek Squad informers and Feds
Re: reliability of evidence
Well said.
The laws are different in Australia. I personally found clear child pornography on a laptop I was removing a virus infection from.
When I found it I rung a friend who was a local police officer asking what my obligations were. His response was if I didn't report it I and it was last found out I knew about it, I could have been charged in aiding the perpetrator.
Needless to say I reported it, the Laptop was seized, his house was raided and he was charged. I had to give evidence how I found it in the course of doing the repair (he did not make any attempts to hide the images). He confessed and gave up a major kingpin in the distribution of child porn and he went down along with hundreds of others.
IBM CEO Ginni flouts £75 travel crackdown, rides Big Blue chopper
Has she not learned from Australia's choppergate
Obviously she is not familiar with Australia's Former Senator Bronwyn Bishop and the Choppergate scandal.
China launches aircraft carrier the length of 13.6 brontosauruses
Badger size
The weight of an adult badger varies throughout the year - depending on how much fat it has laid down for the winter months. In spring an adult badger will have an average weight of 8 to 9 kg, rising to 11 to 12 kg in autumn. Occasionally individual specimens do weigh more than this, but these are generally the exception rather than the rule. Also, in territories which provide a poor food supply for the badgers, weights may be less than this.
In addition, adult males will generally tend to be about 1 kg heavier than females of the same age; and lactating females will be as much as 1 kg less than non-lactating females.