* Posts by MajorDoubt

40 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Apr 2017

Earth's new mini-moon swings by, then ghosts us by late November


It could have hit us

thank random luck it didn't

Kamala Harris's $7M support from LinkedIn founder comes with a request: Fire Lina Khan

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take the money

and ignore him

Chrome users – get an alert when extensions are in danger of falling into wrong hands


Money Money Money

All Google cares about is Money, nothing else matters to them. To the people who use chrome, did you chose it it, or was it just there when you went to browse the web. Most people have no idea of what their internet browser is, or even what that means. Welcome to the retard generation and proud of it.

And that's a wrap for Babuk Tortilla ransomware as free decryptor released


Don't tell how they did it

It's not the best choice to tell how they cracked the encryption, it just helps the ransomware people better improve their product

Google to start third-party cookie cull for 30 million Chrome users


Only stupid people use google crome

worst offender of privacy, google

Google pencils in limited third-party cookie purge for January

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If your a Internet idiot

And have no idea of what a web browser is, you just click on things and whatever comes up is what you use, your a google chrome user, most likely using chrome installed by some freeware crap you installed and just clicked through the installer menus.

So just like the average American idiot who believes they found structures on the far site of the moon.

Your googles target audience.

NASA engineers scratch heads as Voyager 1 starts spouting cosmic gibberish


It's out in a sea of cosmic radiation

It's lucky to have lasted as long as it has, in a sea of gamma ray radiation, the energy hitting it would kill any of us in minutes

It's perfectly legal for cars to harvest your texts, call logs


Trust No One

Don't link your phone to anything that you don't have total control over.

Today's cars, the new google in data rape.

Oh well, if you allow your phone unrestricted internet access, your privacy is long gone anyhow.

Dumb fucking sheep.

Twitter now worth just a third of what Musk paid for it


Just fucking die twitter

It's just a garbage platform now, just die and get it over with. Who are these fools still using it?

Privacy Sandbox, Google's answer to third-party cookies, promised within months

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Google cares about your privacy, what a fucking joke

I use pi-hole to block all things google, they are the worst offender. I'd advise everyone to setup your own ubuntu server running pi-hole, it's all free.

Use Vmware to run it. No one will protect your privacy, but you.

Cybercrooks are telling ChatGPT to create malicious code


The Tiny Evil

That will destroy us all. Who cares?

NASA boss says US may lose latest space race with China


Death awaits

the moon is outside the magnetic sphere protection of earth, so if a solar storm or some other gamma ray burst hits the moon, everyone there will die, how can they protect against that?????

it's just a matter of time.

Google once again stalls Chrome content-blocker shakeup



I believe that most of the people using google chrome have no idea what browser they are using and had some third party crap ware install it.

Because, why would you use this spyware crap if you knew anything?

Meta links US military to fake social media influence campaigns


fuck facefart



Like I believe facefart

all corporate news is garbage

Elon Musk to abused Twitter users: Your tormentors are coming back


twitters dead

Just walk away. And for news try https://www.world-newspapers.com/, to see what the rest of the world thinks, corporate owned American news is useless

Musk tells of risk of Twitter bankruptcy as tweeters trash brands

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Fuck that asshole

everything is being done that can be to ensure the total failure of twitter. that man is a incompetent fool, who can't see past his own ego.

Musk sells $3.95 billion in Tesla shares, paid eleven times more for Twitter


twitters dead

only the fools will stay on it

Musk sows more Twitter chaos, now with Official policy snafu


just dump this useless platform

freedom is dead

Windows breaks under upgraded IceXLoader malware


So, it's another SFU flaw

STUPID FUCKING USER, they will never fix that flaw

Florida asks Supreme Court if it's OK to ban content moderation it doesn't like


No hope

Sorry, your trying to have a rational augment against insanity, do you think you can win? You can't fix stupid



they don't give a fuck about us, they are american NAZI's. Even with their uncle tom token.

Supply chain worries heat up again as China shuts down factories to cool its citizens


people are more importanant than product

fuck the 1 %

W3C overrules objections by Google, Mozilla to decentralized identifier spec


Since google pretty much control the browser market

they can just refuse to support it

Open source body quits GitHub, urges you to do the same

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is anyone really surprised??

microsoft is in it for the most money they can get. they bought github with the intent to make money, and to do as much damage to free software as they could, no profit in free. fuck monopolies..

Meta: We need 5x more GPUs to combat TikTok, stat

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Fuck facefart

and their "fuck the people" owner, meta

IBM settles age discrimination case that sought top execs' emails


So goes the crooked world

NDA's should be outlawed, they don't serve the public good and only protect the worst that society has to offer

oh well, who cares as long as I get mine.

fairness will always be just a illusion.

NASA wants nuclear reactor on the Moon by 2030


Are you stupid????

the moon is outside the protection of the magnetic field of earth, until we can duplicate that, we are at great risk of death being outside that protection. is everyone just plain stupid???

Hive ransomware affiliate zeros in on Exchange servers

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If you don't have proper backups

you'll be a ransomware customer

Privacy is for paedophiles, UK government seems to be saying while spending £500k demonising online chat encryption


what a joke

it's all to spy on the average person, since criminals will use uncrackable encryption. 99.999% of politicians are corrupted trash.

Antitrust battle latest: Google, Facebook 'colluded' to smash Apple's privacy protections


I thought they were our friends, who cared about us, the product

I too am shocked, would these multinational corporations that only care about profit at the cost of everything else,

engage in activities that would make them billions of dollars (even if it hurt society at large),

like they have done repeatedly in the past and were never really held accountable (just slap on the wrist fines),

do the same thing over and over , just to make money??

Firefox 91 introduces cookie clearing, clutter-free printing, Microsoft single sign-on... so where are all the users?


Most people are to stupid to know they need firefox, because they haven't a clue, and never will

Well, firefox would be number one, if they used the virus like tactics of getting onto peoples machines via 3rd party crap ware, that installed google chrome in addition to the free crap it installed, I first noticed google doing this over 15 years ago. That's how google got to be "top" browser, 90% of the chrome users don't even know what a web browser is, much less picking a default one. And google won using crap tactics like that to get out there. I think anyone who has a clue will use something like firefox with it's army of plug-ins, along with other means (pi-hole, sandboxie, IP block lists etc..) to "help" protect their machines and what little privacy they have left

Facebook takes bold stance on privacy – of its ads: Independent transparency research blocked


Is anyone surprised???

Corporate mentality, will be the death nail for all humanity. No escape from stupid, cause no one cares. Enjoy your distorted sense of reality.

Microsoft defends intrusive dialog in Visual Studio Code that asks if you really trust the code you've been working on


It seems like a good idea

but to many people have "that would never happen to me" mindset

Microsoft: You don't want to use Edge? Are you sure? Really sure?


Fuck off microshit

I hate windows 10, and you should too

NASA boss insists US returning to the Moon after Peanuts to show for past four decades


Moon base Alpha

If we can't build a base on the moon (which is a lot closer if something goes wrong, like dealing with the enormous amounts a radiation outside the earths magnetic field), we have no hope of building a base on Mars. Since both need a spacesuit to survive.

Pentagon sticks to its guns: Yep, we're going with a single cloud services provider


How Insane

why does the Pentagon not do all this inhouse. ??????, you can't trust any for profit

They're back! 'Feds only' encryption backdoors prepped in US by Dems


Too late

this is just to spy on the masses, anyone that knows anything can just use the many sources of open source unbreakable encryption. smoke and mirrors

Reminder: Spies, cops don't need to crack WhatsApp. They'll just hack your smartphone


Simpler way

just serve google or apple with a court order making them install the software. that's why with my android phone, the first thing to be done is install a firewall blocking google from the phone.

Google's 'adblocker' is all about taking back control


If you are using chrome, you are already a idiot

trusting google with anything, doh!