Tell me mr Orwell how did you come up with the idea?....
Bend over once more for deep packet inspection...
Long live SSL VPN
60 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Aug 2007
Putting sarcasm aside, it never fails to amaze me how politicians swing like a pendulum.
Endeavours such as space exploration bring untold benefits, some material others spiritual. Many folks only see the cost. The classic term "The money is better spent here on Earth"- Generalising here, it is usually because they have not bee educated in the source of the many benefits they take for granted. And of course the money was spent here on Earth - in research and manufacture. - As said in the article employing many thousands of people worldwide.
In any event, such exploration is a long term commitment. As such. it should be possible to set aside politics ( and with commercial support) the vagaries of financial mismanagement by said politicians.
Go get a grip Obama, or mediocrity will result!
Yes you can watch public service broadcasting but only how we, the publically funded and therefore accountable too let you....
I USED to enjoy watching the BEEB on XBMC - no more, now phone apps are being nuked.. What gives guys ( to the BBC TRUST).
Hmmm is it me or is the BBC becoming more and more paranoid these days?
On piracy, apart from proving guilt. With VPN now being trialled by TPB. It seems that ISP's will look forward to loss of revenue.. Why? Well because there are many tariffs that allow massive bandwidth and commensurate profit to ISP's I suspect that much of this consumer bandwidth is used for movies and other high volume data..
Does the industry really want to cull its own revenue stream?
Sounds fine in theory, but the technicalities have way, way to go in getting an image that works well.
For instance, in a 2D image the focus is on the main protagonist on a standard TV. If our eyes roam the screen then its not too distracting or visually disturbing. But when you go to 3D we naturally move our concentration elsewhere and expect the focus to adjust accordingly...... The result so far? - A blurred area ( bad depth of field) and not a re-adjusted focus as we would see in the real world ...... Vomit comet or what!
Still, I look forward to Paris Hilton in 3D - actually, come to think of it, no thanks ;-)
Like many I hope this is another nail in the coffin for that oft used and highly dubious phrase:
"enhancing the user experience"
now I for one run a mile when I see that 'cause it usually means the opposite and more likely means enhancing the profits of the provider at the users expense...
"Death to marketing bullshit!", I say.
Good on ya' Reg for keeping us informed on this.
I would bet that Ford will deny legal responsibility when you nerff that vehicle the little light failed to see.
Will it discriminate down to a cyclist or walking pedestrian as you pull out?
Look over your chuffin' shoulder and drive properly. Sheesh! Goddam Yankies
@Carl you got it... Don't drive if you are a stiff neck!
"it will monitor BT's imminent third trial of Phorm with 10,000 volunteers"
Er "volunteers" So, BT are actually going to ask permission to snoop with the aid of Phorm this time LOL
Petition to Downing Street passes 10,000 actually 10,001 as of 1 minute ago....
AdBlock+ = no targeted advertising BTW Phorm... beleive it.
"this is a service that is looking to provide them with an improved browsing experience"
And just how does monitoring peoples habits and creatively dumping advertising on them improve our browsing experience?.....
Pfffshhh, Marketing Claptrap, period!
I am pleased and impressed by your coverage and continued persistence in revealing the gory details of this saga
I trust the story is well affiliated to other members of the press and media.
B.T. need to be brought to Earth on this little breach of trust.
Excellent journalism boys
Lets keep this simple BT, Virgin Media and Carphone Warehouse
I will NEVER NEVER NEVER take a subscription to your ISP services whilst you associate with this sort of "activity".
Got it?
Shame, you, Phorm chose a name sounds almost like Porn hmmmmmm..... another internet spamming blight.
Departments of Innovation, Universities, Skills, Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform....
Is the building still long enough for the department title sign?
me thinks they need to innovate a new title.
Seriously, When I started amanufacturing business I could not get a penny of aid.
Why? I did not want enough cash!! Small business need funding at their level to innovate.. I know.
As someone who nursed a parent though this dreadful aliment to her early death over many years I am grateful.
Do this, then see if gender reassignment is important then! sheesh!
Shame on the cynics here ( And believe me, I am a cynic too)
Of course you donate to where you have personal experience - why not? - Give it to the government instead? _ I think not...
Go be cynical else Trolls - If this illness ever hits you I bet you will be a little more contrite then!
@ Danny - You got it right.
We the consumer had little to do with it. In reality its a media company (studio's et al) and retailer stitch-up.
Next we will see Bluray players go up in price LOL
"Wot? - That's happening already?"
I would never have guessed.... ;-)
So glad I did not early adopt in this format war.
4.6 tonnes of useful payload .....
Sounds like the Pikies have been there already. Useful? so they filled 50 Tesco carrier bags, stuffed it on the mini Toyota flat-bed, sorry, payload vehicle and hoped it would be,..... useful? LOL
oh, I do love you Reg. :-)
270kg of drinking water......
Well someone will just p**s that against the wall "look how high I got - 250 Km" Yowsaa
Seriously, I wish ESA well: A neat trick to dock at 28,000km/hr. I realy do hope that Europe can show the USA and Russia how to do a job well
GOOD LUCK with the mission.
If you pay a lame ISP peanuts and get 3Gb a month ( unlimited access- righhht) then no it wont work.
BUT- allegedly ;-) with x264 DVD size backups are starting to swamp Newsgroups Newshosts that are SSL too.
So where is the capacity issue?
Where is the size issue?
Where is the the monitoring downloads issue?
Blue ray - the first consumer led choice in AV history ...phhffssss
Well Jackie its a good job our new ID card scheme will not be intra/internet accessible. So I guess it will be stored on emm PC's? So now I can focus on how the F### we stop leaks from millions of government pc's
Suggest we sub contract to Phorm..they know how to collect data
Yours obediently
ps application for salary increase enclosed.
OK ignoring the stupidity and desire for I.D. cards, information on who we are, where we are, what we are doing etc etc.. by a parental government. Lets just take a look at the numbers..
>Assume there are 63m people in the UK.
>Assume that say there is already data on 13m of those and therefore no need for data collection.
> That leaves us with 50million people to collate data on
> Assume also. No births /deaths/ immigration & emigration legal or otherwise / visitors etc etc....
> Assume it takes 20 minutes to collect, analyse and log that data per individual.
50,000,000 *20mins...
Check my maths but that broad assumption still gives you 16 million man/ hours to collate < chin drops>
So WHO is going to do this and lets not forget at what cost.....
Apparently, this system will not be hackable, as it will have no intra / internet interface - Yeah riggghhht. So how does the "officer" check your card against the data held centrally, with no links...umm NO, NOT CD-ROM please!
But then I know I am stupid and can't believe this government would spend money flirtatiously or, God forbid, actually loose data!
Technical content because the Gordenment sorry Government can't add up
Well to me gambling IS throwing your money at some nameless phisher ( casino) anyway.. So the difference is the money leaves the country earlier LOL
Oh don't tell me the odds in a Casino are in favour of the gambler - my mistake!
Casino = phish pharm = no difference
Being a cynical sorta guy is somewhat of a burden ....
However, as a science graduate and interested in all things science, new, exciting, interesting.... means I kinda question a bit.
So... What is the government spending all the saved money on. Where ever you look in the UK today the Government seems to be saying... "cost savings", "budget reductions" "not economic to continue" or my favourite " not in the broader public interest"..
So where's the money going?... silly me, Iraq, Government IT projects, security "improvements" eg ID cards, and lets not forget the best, M.P. expenses claims for items up to £ 200.
Outlook NOT good. - We continually dump science AFTER we have proved its a worthwhile project and could reap a benefit from it... So thanks, at least one or two Anonymous Cowards think on similar lines...... :-))
"Bug me but not my MP"
Who cares if its bugs, taps, washers or what-ever - intrusion is intrusion is intrusion....
But judging by constant revelations perhaps the beta should use MP's as the test base.
Oh! silly me, the Kremlin and White House probably do that already ;-P
Nice one Gorders!..
love Waldo
"being operated on unauthorized wireless networks"
So sue me!
To paraphrase:
Well sir, we will sell this car, but you can only drive it on the roads we authorise"
PAH HUMBUG. get a life Apple, stop being a greedy, control freak.
WE are the customer NOT you....
You can put it where the sun don't shine.
I will never repeat NEVER carry on Why?
Your record on data security, bringing in IT systems on time and in budget stinks.
Why not let us all carry a cd the we too can loose it along with your 1984 style need for tracking us..
Of course you could use:
Our passports or
Our driving licenses or
Our credit cards or
Our NI or NHS data or
Our mobile phones to track us.
But then that would be too easy....
Alternatively, you could tell any terrorist that these cards will be mandatory and they HAVE to have one LOL
Sheesh, talk about naive politicians. Will they never learn....
As Billy Connolly said " we carry a ( popular BC expletive here) ID card around with us... "it's called a FINGER PRINT"