Simplified recent interaction:
Goldfish: "Can you make it do THIS"....
Large Corporate Money Guzzler: "Of, course. And it will only cost you X dollars".
Goldfish: "Super - we'll take it".
IT PM: "So what's the scope".
Goldfish: "Here - see this scribbled note on the back of this used packaging"
Large Corporate Money Guzzler (getting worried): "Here Goldfish, sign here..."
IT PM: "Hang on, can we check this pricing please...."
Large Corporate Money Guzzler: "Uhm.. .yes, but its based upon the scope... mumble, mumble"
IT PM: "Sorry, what was that mumble mumble bit?"
Goldfish: "Why hasnt it been delivered yet?"
Large Corporate Money Guzzler: "Arhm, its actually just a prototype"
IT PM: "Prototype? So its being tested at the moment?"
Large Corporate Money Guzzler: "Arhm. No. Actually its just a concept, but we are sure it will work for you... maybe.... but you may want to include some extras in the contract to be sure"
IT PM: "Like what extra?"
Large Corporate Money Guzzler: "Well we expect the complete version to be ready 18 months after first delivery - so that will require some additional funding"
IT PM: "Like an extra zero on the end of the budget....."
Large Corporate Money Guzzler: "Oh and you will need a new HANA environment - the one you have is far to small for this solution to work"
IT PM: "So thats another extra zero on the end of the budget...."
Goldfish: "What do you mean its going to cost that much! Bloody IT always over-charges for its service... I'm going to do this myself from now on".
IT PM walks away in disgust and goes get another contract somewhere else.