* Posts by polanve

4 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2017

Facebook flat-out 'lies' about how many people can see its ads – lawsuit



It happened to me. Almost no real people see your ad. Its all fake.

Australia joins the 'decrypt it or we'll legislate' club


Falsely implies Independence

Please. Australia is a totally owned subsidiary of the US. It can't choose to join. It simply obeys to avoid punishment.

Hawaiian fake nukes alert caused by fat-fingered fumble of garbage GUI


The whole warning system, as someone pointed out, is useless because of the speed of a missile strike. It is "security theater", meant to give the population the impression that someone is doing something to make you safe, so you won't take to the streets because the MFs are going to get us all killed.

Prisoners built two PCs from parts, hid them in ceiling, connected to the state's network and did cybershenanigans


In what way would taking apart old PCs be rehabilitating? More likely it was a prison labor program.