* Posts by wizdude

1 publicly visible post • joined 12 Apr 2017

It's 30 years ago: IBM's final battle with reality


eComStation by Serenity Systems and Arca Noae

the king is dead. long live the king.

everyone seems to be talking about OS/2 as though it is dead. it certainly isn't and many people still use it today.

Serenity Systems created eComStation which runs on modern hardware and was originally based on OS/2 Warp Version 4. It's still in full production today.


and then we also have Arca Noae https://www.arcanoae.com/ which is due for release soon.

Warpstock still runs events annually http://www.warpstock.org/

many people still run this platform and some developers still release applications for it as well. there is a massive archive on Hobbes http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/ and also OS/2Site http://www.os2site.com/

software such as Weasel http://pmoylan.org/pages/os2/Weasel.html which is a fully featured mail server is still being actively developed as of right now :-)

cheers, wizdude