Re: never learnt from the directX times
We knew what you meant.
14 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Apr 2017
I'm sure you're right. In the same way that a Microsoft employee once told me they don't really worry about moving everything to the cloud, because they're always on 10 GigE connections at Microsoft, so it's all the same. This was in response to a question of whether he'd ever actually tried to deal with cloud everything over Comcast, which is sadly still better than many people get. So yeah, they're all completely out of touch with the reality most of us deal with, but what else is new.
"Google released the new Android flavor to its Pixel and Nexus hardware lines,"
Well kind of. For some of them. On some carriers. Not really.
"other device makers are set to push the upgrade out to their devices over the remainder of the year."
That's awful presumptuous. Only some have even mentioned upgrading phones, and those only phones which were just released (after the supposed general availability). I doubt ANY non Google phone will see Oreo before the end of the year.
We are, and the lunacy is widespread and getting worse. For some reason companies who provide their employees office space, desks, telephones, pens, paper, and everything else they need to do their job, somehow think the single device they use and depend on more than any other is somehow exempt from their responsibility.
This had nothing to do with Amazon. iOS and Android (recent versions) require permission to access contacts. I'll bet you anything you like that if this wasn't enforced at the system level they would have just taken them and turned the feature on at first run, like it or not. They deliberately launched this without call blocking and with automatic contact slurping, you can thank your OS vendor for giving you any semblance of control at all.