* Posts by lone.gunman

5 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Apr 2017

Hard drives at Autonomy offices were destroyed the same month CEO Lynch quit, extradition trial was told

Big Brother

Should It Not Be Buyer Beware?

This story goes on & on......

Firstly, yep OK so they/he may well have cooked the books, nothing countless 'corp' seniors have not done thousands of times.... But as detailed, they (HP) supposedly had god knows how many 'financial' experts/lawyers looking up the proverbial ar5e of Autonomy??? Are they not far more culpable from HP's stand point because someone missed the 'stinky haddock in the wheel trim' somewhere!

Secondly, so yep irregularities where found, so that's in the UK..... ergo the offence was committed in the UK, prosecuted in the UK? No?

Finally, if I went to New York to buy a second hand car, a very, very, very rare one at £11bn! Which then transpired when I got it back to the UK to be worth £11.50, I'd have to go back to New York to take it up with the seller, not extradite them to the UK because it looks better to the people who lent me the money to buy said car? I think I might also be having a 'word' with the experts who told me "Yep it's worth it.."

Just a thought....

Now that half of Nominet's board has been ejected, what happens next? Let us walk you through the possibilities


As just a domain owner watching from the sidelines...

I have watched this un-fold for sometime & frankly I cannot see how any of the existing board of Nominet can feel they should stay in post! Basically they should resign now

UK minister tries to intervene after Government Digital Service migration mangles Ministry of Justice webpages


The Simple Stuff Should Be Obvious!

Well, here we are again..... big department big money & they throw a spanner... And no one talks to each other!

Just rolling the clock back, admittedly a long'ish way, I thought the GOV.UK domain was supposed to be all about being a 'gateway', for which read (to me anyway) you go through that gate to get what you want, in web speak would that be go to GOV.UK & it points you to what you want, which may well be on another domain. May be a simplistic view, but that's what it's supposed to be.

The good optics of silicon photonics: Light sailing serenely down a fibre


We've Done This Before....

Yep @Tom7, I worked for GPT/Marconi & built some of the first 'Photonix' (or Flowtonix) boards with fibres moving data around PCB's in the Mid-1990's... But then BT decided to go with proprietary Internet Protocol based technology & it became the death knell of Marconi... But thats another story!

Jailed biz coach accused of $17.5m HPE fraud writes to fans saying 'join me'


Utter Rubbish!

Having read this man's words I find it hard anyone could take it in & give it credence. However, if this "opportunity" as he see's it has been handed to him on plate & it's obviuosly become 'important' to him, (JOKE!!)

Is he going to devote the rest of his days to helping those who get caught up in our justice system? For free? He obviously has enough money... (well unless HPE claw it back)...