so loud...
I have to say, I am sad they aren't flying right now - they frequently fly over our house, and we love to watch them come over, but they are so very bloody noisy...
30 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2017
I wonder how big of a collector you would need at the front of the (by now very fast moving) vessel to funnel enough interstellar matter into your fusion reactor to keep going.... To be fair the main issue at the moment is taking all of this propulsion material out earths gravity well. It is not inconceivable that mining the moon or asteroids would allow very different configurations of interstellar ship than we are used to seeing in Sci Fi or IRL Once all that mass is moving, it's moving....
What are these people on? $3.7B is absolute chickenfeed compared to US subsidies of its own car market - well over $13B from what I can see with just a very cursory glance at figures. $2B to Tesla alone, without including its subsidiaries.
This kind of ignorant, protectionist bullshit really winds me up. At least get some figures to back your story up that actually tell the lie you are trying to sell... </rant>
It is curious why the US would go down this route - surely all it does is encourage China to come up with their own equipment. They have the talent and certainly have the scientific knowledge to do so. Even if it takes time, the political will in China must also be there.
Is the US simply trying to drive ASML out of business? Has it become too much of a threat to homegrown US companies.
This whole thing is simply a war of marketing. US is hacking the world just as much as they claim China is hacking them, but they don't want to be seen as such, so are throwing toys out of the pram as a distraction.... and dragging 'allies' in to their war of words and sanctions.
There doesn't seem to be any long term strategic thinking going on.
What about those parts of the UK yet to receive reliable mobile signal, never mind 2g and 3g, areas which are presumably very low on the list for upgrades to 4G or 5G. The only semi usable data round here comes from wifi, via copper wires as long as it isn't windy or raining, and the broadband stays up for our glorious 3Mbps if we are lucky...
I just wish they could sort out the rest of the network first - we don't get reliable call reception outside never mind any sort of data at all, be it Edge, 3G or 4G at the moment.
(Not just a whinge at Vodaphone - we have no coverage from any suppliers here in not so deepest East Anglia)