* Posts by en.es

30 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2017

US military grounds entire Osprey tiltrotor fleet over safety concerns


so loud...

I have to say, I am sad they aren't flying right now - they frequently fly over our house, and we love to watch them come over, but they are so very bloody noisy...

Andrew Tate's site ransacked, subscriber data stolen

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Some good news to go into the weekend with!

AI PCs flood the market. Their makers hope someone wants them


I came to the comments to make the exact same comparison...

Just 'No' to both...

Yes, your network is down – you annoyed us so much we crashed it


Not sure either company comes out of this story looking good - The support outfit needed more Iains

NASA switches off Voyager 2 plasma instrument to stretch out juice


Re: The Biggest Impediment to Interstellar Travel

I wonder how big of a collector you would need at the front of the (by now very fast moving) vessel to funnel enough interstellar matter into your fusion reactor to keep going.... To be fair the main issue at the moment is taking all of this propulsion material out earths gravity well. It is not inconceivable that mining the moon or asteroids would allow very different configurations of interstellar ship than we are used to seeing in Sci Fi or IRL Once all that mass is moving, it's moving....

SpaceX accuses 'meme-stock' rival of 'misinformation' over Starlink signals waiver


Another very good reason for leftpondians to ensure neither Trump or Musk gets anywhere near the reins of power come November...

Cards Against Humanity deals SpaceX a $15M lawsuit over Texas turf tangle


and don't shrimp on the evidence to the authorities...

Do look up! NASA unfurls massive shiny solar sail in orbit


Re: ‘Edge’

I thought it was turtles all the way down?

US senator wants to put the brakes on Chinese EVs


What the actual . . . .?

What are these people on? $3.7B is absolute chickenfeed compared to US subsidies of its own car market - well over $13B from what I can see with just a very cursory glance at figures. $2B to Tesla alone, without including its subsidiaries.

This kind of ignorant, protectionist bullshit really winds me up. At least get some figures to back your story up that actually tell the lie you are trying to sell... </rant>

Pressuring allies not to fulfill chip kit service contracts with China now official US policy



It is curious why the US would go down this route - surely all it does is encourage China to come up with their own equipment. They have the talent and certainly have the scientific knowledge to do so. Even if it takes time, the political will in China must also be there.

Is the US simply trying to drive ASML out of business? Has it become too much of a threat to homegrown US companies.

This whole thing is simply a war of marketing. US is hacking the world just as much as they claim China is hacking them, but they don't want to be seen as such, so are throwing toys out of the pram as a distraction.... and dragging 'allies' in to their war of words and sanctions.

There doesn't seem to be any long term strategic thinking going on.

Yes, I did just crash that critical app. And you should thank me for having done so


I'd better get my coat and head out Eudora

This could still wing its way to you, if you have the dosh: One Concorde engine seeks new home


Re: Umm...

Geezer down the pub, said it fell off the back of a lorry right in front of him...

Women in IT are on a 283-year march to parity, BCS warns


"Women in IT are on a 283-year march to parity, BCS warns"

Couldn't the BCS bring the parity to them? Seems a bit much asking them to walk for 283 years and get paid less....

China's SpaceX wannabe recycles a rocket after just 38 days

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Re: McDonnell Douglas DC-X

That's a great bit of enthusiastic reportage on Youtube!

Never heard of the DC-X before - thank you for sharing.

Electric vehicles earn shocking report card for reliability


Re: Condensing boilers

oops - jinxed it! :)

Airbus takes its long, thin, plane on a ten-day test campaign


TLA: Transatlantic Light Aircraft?

I'll get my coat...

Smallsats + solar sails = Photos of exoplanets at 1970s digital camera resolution


Space is BIG

Incredible that even the SGL point mentioned is only 1/460 of the way to the nearest star or alternative planet.... We need warp drives or TARDISes or something (icon because burning stuff will not get us there!)! :)

Sandia opens up ultra-fast X-ray cameras to speedy shutterbugs



Sounds just the ticket for your usual evening family gathering! As long as you don't mind bathing everyone in xrays? Or will it only capture the xrays given off by the faster dancers?

OpenPrinting keeps old printers working – even on Windows


Re: Therapy

Long live Nano! :)

Airbus flies new passenger airplane aimed at 'long, thin' routes


Re: Low bar?

A good landing returns everyone to the ground safely.

A great landing means you can reuse the plane!

FBI says more cyber attacks come from China than everywhere else combined


With the biggest population in the world (and 5 or 6 times higher than the US), would we not expect 5 or 6 times more hacking from the Middle Kingdom? Pretty sure the US does not have clean hands in this fight... Sounds like a bid for budget dollars for the FBI...

2033 is doomsday for 2G and 3G in the UK


What about those parts of the UK yet to receive reliable mobile signal, never mind 2g and 3g, areas which are presumably very low on the list for upgrades to 4G or 5G. The only semi usable data round here comes from wifi, via copper wires as long as it isn't windy or raining, and the broadband stays up for our glorious 3Mbps if we are lucky...

Pension cold-calling financial services biz cops largest ever fine from UK data watchdog



All the leaks, all the hacks, and £140,000 is the single largest fine the ICO have given? What the hell are they up to? How can that even be true?

What do you mean you gave the boss THAT version of the report? Oh, ****ing ****balls


Honesty is (almost!) always the best policy... (even sweary honesty!)

Pablo Escobar's big bro and former accountant sues Apple for $2.6bn over FaceTime bug


Re: Special accountants rounding?

looks better then $2.0006Bn?

This hurts a ton-80: British darts champ knocked out of home tourney by lousy internet connection



Looks like my average connection in a rural area, but hardly remote - just too much copper (about 1 to 1.5 miles?) between me and the nearest exchange box...

No horrific butterfly keys on this keyboard, just you and your big, dumb fingers


Interface fail?

At least you could see what you were typing on the projection laser keyboard - there doesn't appear to be any clues in the picture shown here, unless the lights and camera angle have washed it out too much...

Oi, Queenslander who downloaded 26.8TB in June alone – we see you



A fraction of a second worth of LHC data for a remote working CERN scientist?

Vodafone: Daft Huawei comms gear ban will cripple UK – and cost punters loads


cart b4 horse?

I just wish they could sort out the rest of the network first - we don't get reliable call reception outside never mind any sort of data at all, be it Edge, 3G or 4G at the moment.

(Not just a whinge at Vodaphone - we have no coverage from any suppliers here in not so deepest East Anglia)

Governments could introduce 'made by humans' tags - legal report


That's not a life choice - it's a birthright