Re: @phuzz - WSL-as-app
Which with most modern bios, especially on laptops is very difficult.
I've run various linux distros on my my machines over the years, sometimes dual-boot, but mostly as the only os. I like linux & although I'm employed to write applications for Windows I prefer linux on my personal machines.
I currently have one laptop that despite having a decent sized built-in ssd, will only boot linux from a micro-sd card. After hours trying all the bios switches available that is my only non-windows option.
Another laptop doesn't even give me that option, it can boot from a windows installer, but won't touch anything non-microsoft.
A third laptop was dual-boot, but always reverted to windows only after patch Tuesday, so is now Mint only.
A new desktop can boot from a linux dvd, but once installed to an ssd, my preferred os is instantly locked out. That £900 investment has been reduced to acting as a cd jukebox under windows until I can figure out how to unlock the bios. I've set the various switches sufficiently to annoy the Windows 11 hardware checker, but that's still not enough to make MY COMPUTER boot what I want.
Another desktop can boot from a linux ssd that was setup by another machine, but won't look at a bootable usb drive containing a linux distro.
All of these issues relate to the bios blocking legitimate uses of MY COMPUTER. The only device I've bought in the last four years that will boot linux without fuss is my pi & that isn't quite fast enough for video editing.