Wind Up
[transmission starts] Look, I've spoken with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov the sometimes earthbound former chess president on how exactly to deal with this post-end-game we're in with the vega+. He's clued me in to UFO specialist Steven Greer, who, amongst other extraordinary insights has assured me aliens have been dutifully disarming nuclear missile silos around the world and otherwise co-opting themselves into world affairs where needed. Applied to the fully disarmed Indiegogo I wondered if aliens had played any role in the drama. By some cosmic thought dissonance and quantum spewology I've discerened yes, on one occasion: when KFC ran out of the chicken. This was a direct retardment of supply intended to disarm Suzy (otherwise known as a supermassive black hole) from its energy supply. I then asked Dr. Greer why the aliens had been unsuccessful afterwards, being our technological overlords in the current climate and generally spectacularly difficult to get an image of outside of something blurry and grainy. "Horaced, I guess it's not always about the chicken. Or having your HDR on." He said, an unquoted and completely unsubstantiated made-up piece of nonsense by myself. But that's what cosmic dissonance can do to you. It can really warp your mind-space relationship. I'm unsure I was ever part of this campaign or anything now, except these articles keep coming, long long after the game and partial vega+ distribution. This post-end-game we're in with the vega+. He's clu - [transmission ends]