Informed debate here
If you are interested in this subject and are looking for an informed argument for a fundamental rethink of all drug policy please follow this link:
no IT angle though...
17 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Aug 2007
For the love of Blackbeard where did all you pirate experts appear from??!
Were you all born in the 17th Century or something, or have you just been playing too much Monkey Island or whatever it was called?
Anyway, I think Johnny Depp in a Disney-themed dingy using the twin swords of wit and repartie would sort all this piracy-cafuffle out nicely.
Spot on chaps.
I have an iPhone too and I love it. And I like to think I'm pretty normal. Yeah, it cost me, but I can afford it so boo. The Edge is excellent and fast enough for most things that you would need. I used to have a 3G vodafone datacard and that was pretty rubbish as it would drop down to GPRS speeds if it could not connect, which was most of the time. Give me Edge any day to be honest.
"From what I've heard from Dawkins on TV (I can't see a point in wasting time to read his book) his main counterargument to religion seems to be his belief that there is no god."
jeepers creepers. NO ITS NOT. I can see the point in you reading the point - that you may understand the arguments before posting stupid messages on websites.
His argument is ... nope I can't be bothered, read the book.
Here's my playlist (if I was a chick, with really bad taste in music):
Good Vibrations (Beach Boys)
Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin)
Land Down Under (Men at Work)
Come Together (Beatles)
I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles (John Lellett)
Something's Fishy (Dolly Parton)
Cherry Pie (Warrant)
Hokey Cokey (Anon)
and finally....
Take Me Out (Franz Ferdinand)
I also have a vodafone 3G datacard 250MB limit. Never go anywhere near my monthly limit and as such dont check my bills that often, only to find last 2 months they've charged my almost £100 each month. 5 phone calls down the line and still no refund. This is theft as far as I'm concerned.
Do not get a Vodafone datacard (not that one would :/)
Couldn't agree more. Frankly I'd rather take the risk getting on a plane with no security than the endless hours I've spent waiting for security forcing people to put items from a randomly compiled list of non-dangerous products into a clear plastic bag (btw if clear plastic bags are so necessary you may as well make a human-sized one and then we'd all be safe). I take that risk when I get on a [insert form of public transport here] so why not a plane. OK so the argument is a plane can be tunrned into a guided missile - well, let me think, lock the cockpit door. That was tricky.
Rant over.