Groups and Missing information
There are three main groups for Vega + Discussion.
1) One that is offensive, where freedom of speech is so locked down folks in North Korea have started a fund raiser to help, yet where members of RCL post happily.. yet still ignoring requests for info. This is the (Democracy) group. I left this group voluntarily as I think the team from RCL are the most unprofessional people I have ever seen and do not wish to see their mud slinging and it sickens me that they have my money. RCL post updates here to approx 170 people.. whilst failing to provide updates on the Indigogo campaign and their own page as they get universal applause for admitting another days delay due to the goldfish needing feeding (sarcasm). Its where admins tell impatient backers to 'get over it' or liken asking for VEGA+ updates to waiting for someone to die to get a kidney.. its a strange place of extreme delusion
2) One that is sarcastic, bitter to RCL but for the most part good natured where people go to freely express their frustration and is actually the highest populated group for dedicated vega + discussion. This is fun and actually helps get over the sickening behavior of RCL to their backers
3) One which is for all spectrum fans (Spectrum for everyone), which does not activity promoted vega discussion but doesnt lock it down if it happens
NON of these are hate groups though.. apart from the first which shows a tendency to hate anyone who doesnt like being lied to by RCL
ALso, the one thing that needs to be screamed from the hilltops is the fact that RCL will reply to anyone who is subservient, but will ignore refunds, requests for updates etc.. i,e the stuff that matters which they have stated they never do