OK, they got into a bit of a toy chucking incident, but have the powers to take over a non profit making company *just like that*
That could be the last time I go and buy a .uk TLD
32 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Aug 2007
As somebody who once went out with a Dublin lass I can't agree more.
Come on, admit it, that's why so many people stayed with AOL when their call centre was based over there!
Although the comments I've had on my Yorkshire accent when in the States does make me think about moving there...
Used that route last week, on my iTouch was pretty damn good and didn't need to verify my non existant email address (though, without net access, how could I!)
They block access to iPlayer and such, but i imagine that would be easily bypassed.
One nice trick was on their login confirmation page was a map showing where you where, similar to the in-flight screens you see.
I was working with a local PC shop, who had a customer come in complaining that their newly purchased PC was freezing intermittently.
All the required tests where performed, soak test, running every program on the system to the max, full system check, the works. Nothing found, so customer goes home happy it's been "sorted out"
Next day they are back. Started to ask about the environment, near to power station, lones overhead, anything that could cause this. Nothing. Another soak test, customer out of door...
Third time in, one of the guys decide to to the owners house to find out what exactly was going on. Silently, he stood there watching as the machine was plugged in, connected to the phone line etc, then dozens of fridge magnets where placed all over the case to "make it look pretty"
This is going straight onto the wall somewhere to remind people that "hits" and "visitors" are not the same thing.
Our local evening newspaper a few years ago was boasting that their's was the most popular site for inforation, as it received over 50K hits a month. Mine, at the time, was hitting 40K+ visitors a month
Of course I had all my advertisiers on me asking why I wasn't doing enough. Lies, damn lies and statistics...
There isn't even any great recognition of Cayley in the Brompton/Scarborough area either, although a business centre was named Cayley Court a while ago, so if you weren't there when Sir Richard Branson flew the replica a couple of years ago from the same place his coachman had, then tough.
I can't see the Beeb turning off radio access for overseas people, a fair few presenters make a point of mentioning when somebody has written in from California or Sydney or wherever saying they are listening to the show
Now we've had the download Firefox day, how about an uninstall Real day?