* Posts by dbaldock9

3 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Mar 2017

Android clampdown on calls and texts access trashes bunch of apps


What about Side-Loaded Apps?

If apps downloaded from the Play Store can't access certain data any longer, can that data still be accessed by an app that's side-loaded?

What today links Gmail, Google Drive, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram – apart from being run by monopolistic personal data harvesters?


Can log in, but can't post at 07:45 CDT, 14-MAR-19

Was logged in yesterday morning, and could post to friend's walls, and Facebook groups.

During the mid-day, I couldn't log in.

In the evening, I could log in, and could post on groups, but not on walls.

Can log in this morning, and the situation is still the same - can post on groups, but not on walls.

Have logged out, cleared cookies, and logged back in, several times - but no change.

The Facebook mobile app produces the same results - can post on groups, but not on walls.

BBC hooks up with ITV, launches long awaited US subscription VoD


Sounds like the package of BritComs that they already license to the US Public Broadcasting Service, and that we've seen repeated for years and years.

I wonder how this new service will affect Acorn.tv, which _had_ some exclusive British programing (not available on Amazon, Hulu, or NetFlix).