Re: Fees
"Firewire has won the technological battle emerging as the basis for USB 3"
I don't understand. How is Firewire the basis for USB3?
27 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Mar 2017
Not seeing where it says "free". Only seeing where it says "aid". Aid does not equal free, FYI. I have received financial aid from the state as citizen of America, it helps, but it does not pay for everything. If you are quite poor it can make college feel free, for how much you end up paying. Scholarships do not always include the entire tuition from start to finish, they are also earned via academic or extra curricular performance. Nobody is giving away college education, they are making it more accessible.
Also, those were passed by local governments, not the Fed. It has nothing to do with the last administration.
Maybe read your sources next time.
No way to tell yet, but if it is a new console, then it is doomed. Very difficult to compete with Sony/MS/Nintendo, and technically Valve.
If it is a retro console with pre-loaded games, that is a much better idea. It won't last since, as somebody mentioned, you can already buy a Joystick Console with Atari games on it. Also the Mini NES was sold largely as a novelty. I never met somebody who was hardcore into actually playing it.
A retro Atari console with the best of the 2600/7200 library could sell around Christmas time, but it will still just be a novelty.
I think it is good Apple has embraced "pro" users once again, albeit with some of last years hardware. But it's the iMac, a laptop shoved into a desktop form.
Where is my new, actually upgradeable, Intel PowerMac?!?!?
The Trashcan Mac was a failure, Apple really needs to recapture the truly professional environment once again. Their OS is much better than the latest Windows versions, but their hardware is ridiculously overpriced for what it is.
Avast is such buggy garbage. 5 years ago it was fine, now it is too much hassle to be worth the minor protective it provides.
Also, when they say "uninstall Avast", make sure to use the Avast cleaner application after. You can't trust its own uninstaller these days.
It's limited compared with Windows. According to the President or CEO (iForget) of Kapersky, finding virus writers for Mac OS is difficult because there aren't enough iCriminals who know anything about it.
But that is changing, probably since Mac OS has so much more success in businesses than ever before. Antivirus software may become a lucrative market for Mac OS in the future.
Everything thing they talk about looks like they are trying to make schools dependent on their complicated and expensive ecosystem. The reason Chromebooks are such a success with schools is their expense and simplicity.
Problems with a Chromebook are easily solved. Screw it up big time? Replace or reimage. $999 for a base model? Why??? American K-12 schools don't need much, just office apps. Google Docs is a platform that already exists, and is already popular. If MS wants to beat Google at the education game, they need to show how it is better than Google, not say why it is better.
No surprise. eBay is full of "legit" scams, too.
By legit, I mean vendors who intentionally mistag or mislabel genuine parts in order to get a sale. Bought a part I thought was compatible, it was not. The vendor hid behind eBay and refused to give me a full refund. They even made me pay to ship back their mistake. Then they re-listed the item for a higher price. They also tried to communicate with me over the phone instead of eBay's messaging feature. I contacted eBay and got my full refund, not including all of the shipping. The vendor in question had a nearly flawless rating, like most vendors.
Not necessarily. When the first iPhones and iPads came out, they were sold at a loss. Whether it was AT&T's loss or Apple's, nobody can be sure. It is the same issue with game consoles.
When the PS3 first came out, it cost ~$894, if I remember correctly. It's models retailed for $600 and $500. They take a loss because they will make it back in software and peripherals. It's the same with high end smartphones. Naturally, things get cheaper and so the first party profits off the hardware. But the majority of their revenue comes from services and products for the platform.
Preventing terrorist organizations from uploading content sounds like a good idea, until you realize how small of a leap it takes from "terrorist organization" to any organization that opposes the government. A group fighting for human rights in a country with almost none, can be classified as a "terrorist organization" by the government. Their videos and writings would be considered extreme by that government. They are fighting for you rights, which is good, but that opposes the government, so they get labelled and blocked.
Remember that the founding fathers of America were a bunch of rebels when they started. Look at what they created. In the eyes of history they are good guys, at the time they were enemies of the Crown.
""American consumers should not have to be lawyers or engineers to figure out if their information is protected," Pai recently told Democratic lawmakers."
So...the solution is to just remove all protections? Oh how fast America has fallen. Not even 4 months now...
"Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) argued today that the privacy rules "hurt job creators and stifle economic growth." Cornyn also said the FCC's privacy rulemaking involves the "government picking winners and losers," and was among the "harmful rules and regulations put forward by the Obama administration at the last moment.""
Stifle economic growth? You mean prevent monopolies from making buckets of money while limiting their customer's privacy. Welcome to Trumpmerica.
"Also, am I the only one that thinks the whole approval process thing exists solely because they can't be arsed to put in proper security measures?"
By actually reviewing submitted software, they are using proper security measures. They are protecting the integrity of the product. Compared with Google's approach, it's working great to keep worthless software and malware off the App Store.
"A company whose business model is moulded out abuse and breaches."
Last I heard, Google scans apps in a VM, similar method that anti virus software uses. In other words...NOT effective. Not sure, but I vaguely remember Apple runs the software on some big iPhone server thing, very closely simulating an actual iPhone. Not sure of the specifics, of course.
So to summarize...Yes. It is a big 'ole self-policed free-for-all storm of crap. Google really needs to fix it, it makes their platform a complete mess.