More Cray At NCAR
Ah, yes, the Cray-1 at NCAR. In the spring of 1979, the local IEEE chapter had a "visit the Cray" tour at NCAR. The big thing at the time, I recall, was standing inside the "C" and mumbling something about having Scotty beaming you up. Knowing what know now about static, I'm surprised the NCAR folks even considered allowing it to happen.
About this time I had started work at HP. A little later that year (after the NCAR trip), my operation manager came to me and asked me to write up a fake P.O. for a Cray. Whipping up the P.O. and pulling numbers out of my... imagination, I delivered it. I think the bottom line was about $10 million or so. Seems the manager had just obtained a new rubber stamp and wanted to try it out. The P.O. came back stamped, "I Can't Possibly Sign This!"
Too bad. Would have loved to have run SPICE simulations on it.
Oh, and puh-leeeeeez keep up with the This Old Box articles! I've loved every one!