* Posts by BitEagle

36 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Mar 2017

Elon Musk to abused Twitter users: Your tormentors are coming back


Re: And to think that 30 years ago...

It seems more than a little sad that your aversion to unelected billionaires and barely-elected demagogues determining both who may indulge in free speech and what they may say comes to the fore only when the comfortable consensus among the powerful is disrupted.

Do you ever consider that perhaps the consensus was manufactured to advance the specific interests of those wealthy individuals who control the "consensus"?


Re: And to think that 30 years ago...

My vote, my rules...

China dumps dud chips on Russia, Moscow media moans


Use your grey matter

In a debate over the quality of microchips for weapon building, it might seem trivial to some to point out that the "gray market" is not a British term - our own market, much like the faces of Conservative politicians, is grey, even if the amount of destruction caused by each may be approximately equal...

EU lawmakers vote to ban sales of combustion engine cars from 2035


Re: And the UK ?

Don't go raining on the EU patient's parade - they've just designated gas as a clean fuel...

Austrian watchdog rules German company's use of Google Analytics breached GDPR by sending data to US


Re: Will this ruling apply in the UK ?

Fortunately, perhaps, for Me Biden, his memory of the image will not trouble him for long...

Hole blasted in Guntrader: UK firearms sales website's CRM database breached, 111,000 users' info spilled online


Re: only private owners

I imagine that ammunition is something of a problem too...

If you own one of these 45 Netgear devices, replace it: Kit maker won't patch vulnerable gear despite live proof-of-concept code


Re: And they wonder why open source matters

As it's an industry-wide approach, with few honourable exceptions, there's no net loss to them - any customers they lose will be replaced by those fleeing from other vendors.

Linux kernel coders propose inclusive terminology coding guidelines, note: 'Arguments about why people should not be offended do not scale'


Re: Loaded words replaced by euphemisms

...and if we avoid the world "slave", will African-Americans decide that the debt owing to them is paid and the slate is now wiped clean?

What about those the Romans took into servitude in tribute from their empire? What will we call them? Involuntary employees?

This is just another empty example of virtue signalling.

Maersk prepares to lay off the Maidenhead staffers who rescued it from NotPetya super-pwnage


Only if you have no idea what fascism is...

Really juvenile post.

Departing MI5 chief: Break chat app crypto for us, kthxbai


Re: We know they'll never stop


Take your pick...

EU declares it'll Make USB-C Great Again™. You hear that, Apple?


Re: connector not the only issue

The clumsiness of the cables is a feature, not a big-time how else can device manufacturers get a steady income stream except by engineered obsolescence?

UK Supreme Court unprorogues Parliament


Re: Damning...

As warming as it may be to the cockles of your heart (or the heart of your cockles, if you are so inclined) to imagine BoJo receiving some rough justice from an armed robber in Wormwood Scrubs, the reality is that he did nothing wrong in proroguing parliament, it was in accordance with precedent, in accordance with the advice of the government's senior law officers, and his freedom to commit those actions was sanctioned in the High Court, by three of the senior judges in the country.

Let's try and avoid adding petrol to the flames...

Electric vehicles won't help UK meet emissions targets: Time to get out and walk, warn MPs


Re: Alternatively,

Hoist on your own petard...

Another rewrite for 737 Max software as cosmic bit-flipping tests glitch out systems – report


Re: So...

I doubt that this one is going safely under the rug...

The negative publicity that the aircraft has attracted and warranted, allied to that old favourite "instead of fixing it, let's change the name!" (known as the Windscale Waltz for those old enough to remember pre-Sellafield nuclear power) should be enough to hole Boeing's sales plans fatally beneath the waterline...

Expect Ryanair to make a killing on acquiring some very reasonably in the near future!

Post-Brexit plan for .EU tweaked: No dot-EU web domains for Europeans in UK, no appeals, etc


Why oh why...

Unnecessarily arsey?

Still, a useful business opportunity for someone offering snail mail forwarding services...

Ecuador says 'yes' to Assange 'freedom' deal, but Julian says 'nyet'


Re: Assange is a political prisoner, in the United Kingdom, end of

Don't you get a "right on queue" at the Labour Party Conference Momentum meetings?


Re: Let him rot.

So by your logic, he must be innocent of rape because he releases US secrets?

That would go some way towards explaining our low conviction rate for sexual assaults. Does he play professional football too? If so, I'm surprised they even bothered to report him.


Re: Double down?

At the risk of pouring patrol on flames, "aitch" only has one aitch.

Do with this information what you will.


Re: Assange is a political prisoner, in the United Kingdom, end of

He's in Equador, legally, where he isn't a prisoner. He will be a prisoner when he enters the UK again.

AI's next battlefield is literally the battlefield: In 20 years, bots will fight our wars – Army boffin


Re: Humans will always have the most important battlefield role

Iaian M Banks culture series is good on tis stuff.


Re: Humans will always have the most important battlefield role

The entire point of war is NOT to kill people, but to achieve your objectives (strategic, political, economic etc). The killing of people is entirely by-the-by, necessary perhaps to reduce your enemy's resistance, but not the main aim unless you are in a genocidal conflict (Germany in WW2, Serbia in the Balkans, Japan in China).

Big Cable tells US government: Now's not the time to talk about internet speeds – just give us the money


Not just ageing infrastructure...

It's not just that the US has ageing infrastructure, any infrastructure spend is enormous when your country is the size of a continent. That's why the USA typically under invests in infrastructure, their businesses typically compete on price and conditions, not performance, hence all the shabby airports etc.

Pluto is more alive than Mars, huff physicists who are still not over dwarf planet's demotion


It's not just astrophysicists...

I used to work with someone who still claims that Pick is a post-relational database...

Revealed: British Airways was in talks with IBM on outsourcing security just before hack


Indeed, that's the very thing that you're supposed to do, or else your outsource provider will screw you on additional paid-for services...

Most clouds are free to test. VMware's cut its price to $4k/month



So it's cheap?



So it's cheap?

Russia appears to be 'live testing' cyber attacks – Former UK spy boss Robert Hannigan


Re: More FUD

That's not the way security works on an inter-nation basis. Saying that it feels like we are in a cyber conflict just tells the other side what they already know - they're doing stuff and we know. Going beyond this, which is fine if you're looking to prosecute a criminal, means that you tell the other side which bits of what they're doing aren't working, and by extension which bits are.

That's just foolish as it tells them where to put their future efforts.

Chief EU negotiator tells UK to let souped-up data adequacy dream die


Re: Irish abortion referendum.

It's not surprising, it was deliberately omitted from the debate as Heath and Wilson realised that otherwise we would choose to leave.


Re: Irish abortion referendum.

Well if you don't like it...


Re: Irish abortion referendum.

Sadly you can't change the rules after the event.

But it's nice to see that you favour respecting referendum results.


Re: The more I listen to the EU...

It's clear that the EU is looking to impose a strict interpretation of its own rules on the departing UK, as is it's right and as was in all truth eminently predictable.

It's equally clear that UK politicians of all hues expected, and in some particularly deluded cases continue to expect, that the EU will come to a comfortable political arrangement, of the type that governments typically agree when their mutual interests align. Since it is now clear that this will not happen it would behove the UK government to start negotiating from a position of strict legal obligation and contractual commitment.

Anything above this should be reserved for an eventual Free Trade Agreement when we have left the EU.

Wah, encryption makes policing hard, cries UK's National Crime Agency


Mind-readers required

When polititians and security wonks complain that encryption makes their life harder I wonder if they will ban thought on the basis that the contents of your brain can't be checked against a database of naughtiness...

Just how much information do they require or believe they should have access to? Any security built on knowing everything is doomed to failure.

How about that time Russian military used a video game pic as proof of US aiding ISIS?


Re: medieval terror-bastards - thumbs up on that one!

Presumptive Islamic State Suits - and we'd have an acronym that made sense...

BA IT systems failure: Uninterruptible Power Supply was interrupted


Management failure

Not to dismiss any of the technical possibilities that have been discussed here, the single most likely reason for such a catastrophic outage is that IT budgets have been shaved consistently over a period of years to a point where all the senior IT managers understood that their staffing levels, processes and infrastructure were probably going to be inadequate to survive a catastrophic failure or series of failures, but were equally aware that telling their finance and operational colleagues this would probably result in their being side-lined, fired, down-sized or moved to "special projects"...

For an organisation in this state of denial the quarterly bottom-line is everything, and long-term is only the next quarter. You could reasonably argue that this sort of failure is possibly the only way BA's IT investment could ever increase to address the long-term failure to invest responsibly

Italian F-35 facility rolls out its first STOVL stealth fighter


Re: amazinbg how long Marham is remaining

Sandhurst has Bracknell on its doorstep, Marham has Norwich on its doorstep, so presumably a generous No-claims discount...

Fear not, Europe's Privacy Shield is Trump-proof – ex-FTC bigwig


The problem is that the privacy provisions of the EU and the USA, and the legal restrictions around them, are not designed to protect anyone's privacy - they are actually there to create the impression that there is privacy whilst at the same time facilitating access for the state and its agents.

This is intended to suppress the desire for effective privacy by undermining the public perception and any technologies that might make privacy effective.

This can clearly be seen in the rush to enable the US to bypass EU privacy provisions under equivalency rules, where no meaningful or enforceable equivalent exists.