* Posts by DocNo

16 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Mar 2017

France says non to Office 365 and Google Workspace in school

Black Helicopters

Re: IQ Test

SAP is a German software company

Lotus Notes refuses to die, again, as HCL debuts Domino 12


Re: Domino

"So the question arises - why do so many in IT have a more positive view of Notes? "

For me it came over time - grudging respect. I **hated** Notes when it was thrust on me as an admin. We had an external partner that used it for an application we shared with them. This was also Notes 3 in the mid 90's, so yeah - it was pretty raw as a Windows app.

But over time as I got more familiar with the system and started playing with it, the sheer power that was available - and not just to programmers but mere mortals - slowly started to reveal itself. Notes 4 and 4.5 went a HUGE way into making the client more palatable, and Notes 5 continued.

The real problem with Notes is the cc:Mail and Notes groups competed inside of Lotus. If Lotus had forced the Notes team to adopt the cc:Mail email user interface Exchange would have gone the way of Novell.

I think your comments on training are spot on. Once we got people familiar with it, and showed them how to unlock the collaborative power in Notes, we couldn't pry users away from it. It took me four years to get some of the most vocal opponents of Notes to be fans of it, and a few years later when another IT group won the political battles and got the org I was at to change to Exchange, I was amused (and a bit proud) that the people who years before had given me the most crap about Notes were now the biggest opponents to the Exchange migration.

Oh yeah, that org is still running both Notes and Exchange since they have Domino apps that they haven't been able to reasonably port to something else.

If someone knows of something that can do workflows as elegantly and powerfully as Notes/Domino, with tight integration with email and granular, role based security down to the field level that doesn't take a PHD to code - I'm all ears!


Re: Domino

"Modern NoSQL databases are only just beginning to catch up to what it could do."

No, they aren't. Not even close. And Notes/Domino is still doing it. HCL has done way more than I expected - it's time for me to look more closely at it and start knocking heads where I am - we just wasted two years and still don't have functioning product that I know I could have had one of our mid experience Domino developers knock out in six months.


Re: Domino

lol - IBM so completely bungled Notes I'm glad they no longer own it. Yeah, it had a wonky, non Windows GUI - but under that ugly skin was an amazingly powerful platform. Still drives me bonkers just how poorly IBM handled Notes.

Notes had and still has WAY more functionality than Exchange ever thought of, even with email. Email was just another Notes application. If you didn't like the way it worked, you could customize/augment it. IBM had some amazing modifications to the email template that handled lots of corporate things like ediscovery and electronic filing years before whole cottage industries cropped up around that kind of stuff - but they never told anyone about them or showed them off. It was nuts!

The tight integration with Notes applications and emails meant that with two clicks I could like someone to a notes database/application, a view within that application, a particular document or hell even a field within a document. That was bananas powerful and I still don't know of many systems that let you do it with the ease and fool proof "it always just works" way that it worked with Notes.

Never mind built in encryption - down to the field level - again with a click of a checkbox.

Workflows, which are the VAST majority of business processes - were and still are drop dead simple to create with Notes. I created dozens of Notes applications in a fraction of the time that any other tool - many of them are still in use today because they proved either too costly to recreate or getting the right mix of tech just wasn't practical. I'm at an organization now where we spent 2 years trying to code up some workflows to gather and aggregate information from various groups and I know if I had been able to pick Domino as the foundation I would have been done in six months. With tight integration with email to boot.

Sounds like it's time to see what HCL is doing with the old Notes codebase. Maybe with the rebranding I can get it slipped back in and actually get some work done instead of focusing how to pile a bunch of open source and quasi open source products (and competing flavor of the moment frameworks) together that delver a fraction of what Domino provided out of the box.

Ubiquiti sues Krebs on Security for defamation


Re: Ubiquiti's strategy...

"You're not forced to use the cloud SSO..." Try setting up any of the current controllers without an internet connection. I'll wait....

Linus Torvalds launches Linux kernel 5.13 after seven release candidates


Re: Bumbling Apple

lol - to think that Apple cares one way or the other. Sure, it's a nice to have and now that it exists I have no doubt that they could reference in the future. But implying they have some obligation to port Linux - ha!

Crowdfunded Asahi project aims for 'polished' Linux experience on Apple Silicon


Re: Why do some people feel compelled ...

I'd suspect the "success" with RaspPi has more to do with the simplicity of those devices compared to more complex machines like an Apple Silicon chip that has a dramatically more complex (and also powerful) GPU than a RapsberryPi.


Re: I agree with your sentiments but...

Did you read the article? Apple not assisting in supporting other software isn't a block. Indeed Apple isn't actively blocking others from running their own software. Quoting the article where the author of the software that is the subject of the author (pay attention in particular to the 3rd paragraph):

Martin said that "Apple allows booting unsigned/custom kernels on Apple Silicon Macs without a jailbreak," which he takes as evidence that "Apple does not intend to lock down what OS you can use."

Apple does control the boot process and firmware on its Secure Enclave Processor, but, according to Martin, this is no more restrictive than modern PCs.

"In fact, mainstream x86 platforms are arguably more intrusive, as the proprietary UEFI firmware is allowed to steal the main CPU from the OS at any time via SMM interrupts, which is not the case on Apple Silicon Macs," he said.

Excel Hell: It's not just blame for pandemic pandemonium being spread between the sheets


Lotus Improv

It's too bad Lotus Improv never really took off - that was some amazing code.

Back when the huge shocking thing that felt like the end of the world was Australia on fire, it turns out telcos held up all right


Re: Will generators help?

Local power generation from reliable power sources is the issue - not local power generation in general. There’s lots of promising work with micro nuclear reactors; it could be progressing a lot more quickly if we weren't so phobic about nuclear power.

Parks and recreation escalate efforts to take back control of field terrorised by thug geese


Geese police

A building I used to work in had geese problems and everyone complained when they brought the dogs in. So the building management found a company that made a dye for the grass that only the geese could see and also didn’t like. They stopped visiting; the parking lot and sidewalks were once again poo free.

Ah, um, let's see. Yup... Fortnite CEO is still mad at Google for revealing security hole early


Re: I learned something



Twitter cries for help to solve existential crisis of whether it's Good


"Seriously some of the abuse you see dished out online people would never dare to say face to face."

Because you'd get punched in the face. That's the natural moderator to normal behavior that is missing when you are a twat (anonymous or not) online :(

This is a great summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HbYScltf1c

Despite high-profile hires, Apple's TV plans are doomed


...how Apple helped to destroy the music business.

Bwhaha - the music business was doing fine self destructing on their own. Napster and file sharing had them by the balls and then some. Being able to buy individual songs literally saved purchased music and the music industry wouldn't have been able to ever settle on that model on their own.

Personally I'd love to see the TV and movie industries carry on and not adapt. Lots of crap would die a lot faster if not artificially propped up by the system.

Whether Apple is the one or not, the models around TV and movies are changing. Whether or not it's a net gain for the consumer is yet to be seen. Net neutrality will have more to do with where things settle then anything else at this point.

How Ford has slammed the door on Silicon Valley's autonomous vehicles drive


Sounds reasonable

Yeah the guys who can't keep airbags from killing more than they save are getting into IT?

What could go wrong?

Amazon's AWS S3 cloud storage evaporates: Top websites, Docker stung


No surprise

Look, everyone piles everything on AWS East because it's the cheapest (or among the cheapest) of their datacenters.

It's the cheapest because it's the oldest.

It's not hard to do the math. Or it shouldn't be. It just proves that people really do stink at assessing risk.

Also as others have pointed out, it's not Amazons fault that applications fail when they have an eventual outage - it's why Amazon (and other cloud providers) have multiple data centers that are geographically dispersed. It's up to appliction owners/users to design redundancy into their applications. Indeed AWS makes it easier and far more accessable to everyone to build proper geo-diverse disaster recovery into their applications that has ever been possible before. Technology and functionality previously available only to the biggest organizations is now accessable to just about everyone.

People just don't want to pay for it, deluding themselves that it will never happen to them. Surprise!