A few more reasons eBay sucks
A couple more reasons it is in trouble:
1. The redesign...is shoddy and counter-intuitive. Nasty rollovers everywhere causing you to constantly hit the wrong piece of navigation
2. And it often just fecks up and falls over on Safari running on OSX. No I am not going to change browsers cos of your shoddy code....c'mon I've already bought an expensive comuter, let me buy tat!
3. The elephant in the room: as more people (especially small business people) use eBay, categories get saturated. The bargains that were to be had a few years ago are not to be had because you have savvier people buying as well as the eedjits who continue to pay well over the odds. This is kinda good for eBay because they make more $$ per transaction as the transaction values are higher, but for the average punter the net effect is lower satisfaction.
4. And the bargains aren't there because more of the seller's margin gets snitched by eBay
Just my 2 euro cents worth....