Re: I am tired of you bringing up Trump for no reason.
Yes. I absolutely believe Reagan was someone to emulate: "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." January 20, 1981
Margaret Thatcher as well: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
Indeed, government, in so many ways, is not the solution to our problems. The more people become dependent on government, the more the society will degrade--where's the purpose behind achieving something, if it is only to satisfy the requirements/demands of the government? If I work my ass off to make some decent money, only to have it taken away by the government and given to someone who refuses to work (i.e. contribute to the society), where's my incentive? If I work my ass off to make some decent money and I CHOOSE to give it to someone in need, then I have an incentive of feeling good that I have personally helped someone.
Trump is an outsider--he is not a lifelong government politician/bureaucrat. He is not part of the elite government "club". That alone disqualifies him in the eyes of many of the DC establishment. How dare he shake the tree of our cushy, free-from-being-fired, non-accountable, government jobs?
While the private sector looks to find ways to be more efficient, including cutting costs, the government does just the opposite. Ever hear of any government entity, no matter how bad it performs, suggest that it can actually reduce its costs? Of course not--their "solution" is always "we need more money". Ever hear of a tax that is actually rescinded after it is no longer needed? Doesn't happen.
No. I do not have holes in my sails. FYI, the patriot act was not created under Reagan--it was created in response to 9/11. And, btw, Obama renewed key parts of the patriot act, including section 215.
And No. I never did, and never will, support something like the patriot act, that gives the government power to spy on its citizens. Which, btw, is EXACTLY what Obama/Clinton did to Trump--before and after he was elected and inaugurated.
The Bill of Rights was created to LIMIT the powers of the government. The left-wing politicians all have one thing very much in common: limit the power of the people, and give it to the government--the government will decide what's good for you, and take care of everything for you, from cradle to grave. Thanks, but no thanks--I don't need, nor want, a government telling me how to make my living, live my life.