* Posts by NantucketClipper

10 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2017

Biden tackles trade loophole used by cheap Chinese e-tailers


Re: Caught by the headline

Not when he was in office. Amazing how people like you fall prey to the left-wing propaganda all the time. Actually, it's not so amazing, since the vast majority of media and online forums lean way to the left. Definition of "left": "We believe government is the solution to our problems." And who said "Government is not the solution to our problems, government IS the problem!"?


Re: Caught by the headline

For any of you that "think" that Biden has been doing any decision-making, you obviously have not seen, nor heard him, in the past 4 years. It's quite clear he has has dementia--something I don't wish on anyone. And it's tragic that the US government and media choose to ignore it and provide cover for him.

Google joins others in Big Tech: Get vaccinated – or you're fired


Re: I used to believe that too

""progressive" arm that's center-right"

Uh. No. Absolutely, positively, No. The progressives (aka liberals) here in the states are extreme left-wing. If they had their way, we'd already be a fully socialist/communist nation--ruled by the elites who absolutely determine who gets what (job, money, benefits, punishment, jail, etc.). Ever heard of Bernie Sanders or AOC?

And today's right-wing "nutters" are yesterday's (i.e. before 1975) moderate Democrats. JFK anyone? "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." Absolutely 180 degrees now--all the progressives want everything given to them by the government (housing, university education, healthcare, childcare, food, jobs, cell phones, $200 sneakers, cable TV, etc.). Just look at the 3 TRILLION dollar bills that just passed--government throwing money to whoever has the loudest temper tantrum.

Yeah. That's working out well. Hello skyrocketing inflation (worst in 40 years). 1. Print more money. 2. Money gets devalued. 3. Prices go up to cover the lost value of the money. Basic economics.

But the worst of all is the gradual (well, it used to be gradual) removal of our freedoms. Free speech? Not these days--you'll lose your job/livelihood if you dare to speak against the group think culture. Due process? Only if you're in the group think camp. Example: Over 400 riots throughout our country in 2020 that included billions in damages, murders, etc. What happened to the rioters? Nothing. Matter of fact the media propped them up. Then 1 riot at the captial, and all hell breaks loose with the media. Hundreds of the accused rioters detained in jail with still no court date.

Freedom over your own body? Only if you intend to kill your unborn child is that now permitted. Otherwise, the government and its media and corporate sycophants have 100% control over you--hello vaccine mandates. Before you know it, we'll all have ID chip implants and ID tattoos--that way, there's zero possibility for you to escape their control. We already have the masks to identify who the "trouble-makers" are now (i.e. those that don't wear them). Gee. Did any group of humans in our past ever get IDs tattooed on them before?

Language. Yeah, that's been taken over too. Used to be that "science" meant research, peer reviews, critical thinking, facts, reproducible results. Not any more. Now "science" actually means "politics"--i.e. "Follow the "science". Want to win the 200m women's freestyle? That's easy. Just "follow the science" and turn yourself from a male into a female. Damn the chromosomes--they're so much yesterday's definition of "science".

We trained an AI to predict how bad a forest fire will be. It's just as good as a coin flip!


Good thing scientists don't use computer models to predict climate change

Oops. I just Googled "climate change computer models", and found out that that's exactly what the scientists do. No worries, though. We IT people have 100% confidence that those computer programs predicting the Earth's doom in 10 years (or was it 20? 50? -10? -20?) are 100% proven and reliable, not to mention the rock-solid data they use. Woooh... (sigh of relief)

WTF is Boeing on? Not just customer databases lying around on the web. 787 jetliner code, too, security bugs and all


Time to cast a wider net?

The 737 air max definitely brought Boeing into the spotlight, and under a microscope. Which is a good thing. But I, for one, know full well that other jetliners, from other manufacturers, very likely have their own vulnerabilities. It would be shame (understatement) if one of these vulnerabilities are only discovered after a tragic event.

Cloudflare punts far-right hate-hole 8chan off the internet after 30 slayed in US mass shootings


Re: inspired by 8chan

IMO, "affordable" healthcare (lack thereof) is not the real reason why there are so many maniacs out there.

1. The US no longer can forcibly put someone in a mental health facility--except in extreme circumstances.

2. The US culture has decayed rapidly since the 60's. People no longer have any shame and are not are shamed by others. Too many feelings will be hurt. What's right and wrong is now squarely in the eye of the beholder. Death penalty as a deterrent? Pretty much gone. Adultery? Promiscuous sex? It's not only OK now, it's glamorized in all the media.

And the worst of all: The traditional family unit (i.e. father & mother) that used to prevail in raising kids is now actively demonized, or at the very least, it is not rewarded--quite the contrary, raising kids without father and mother is very much rewarded with welfare benefits, huge lobbying from politically correct activist groups, etc.

It's official! The Register is fake news… according to .uk overlord Nominet. Just a few problems with that claim, though


Re: I am tired of you bringing up Trump for no reason.

Yes. I absolutely believe Reagan was someone to emulate: "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." January 20, 1981

Margaret Thatcher as well: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”

Indeed, government, in so many ways, is not the solution to our problems. The more people become dependent on government, the more the society will degrade--where's the purpose behind achieving something, if it is only to satisfy the requirements/demands of the government? If I work my ass off to make some decent money, only to have it taken away by the government and given to someone who refuses to work (i.e. contribute to the society), where's my incentive? If I work my ass off to make some decent money and I CHOOSE to give it to someone in need, then I have an incentive of feeling good that I have personally helped someone.

Trump is an outsider--he is not a lifelong government politician/bureaucrat. He is not part of the elite government "club". That alone disqualifies him in the eyes of many of the DC establishment. How dare he shake the tree of our cushy, free-from-being-fired, non-accountable, government jobs?

While the private sector looks to find ways to be more efficient, including cutting costs, the government does just the opposite. Ever hear of any government entity, no matter how bad it performs, suggest that it can actually reduce its costs? Of course not--their "solution" is always "we need more money". Ever hear of a tax that is actually rescinded after it is no longer needed? Doesn't happen.

No. I do not have holes in my sails. FYI, the patriot act was not created under Reagan--it was created in response to 9/11. And, btw, Obama renewed key parts of the patriot act, including section 215.

And No. I never did, and never will, support something like the patriot act, that gives the government power to spy on its citizens. Which, btw, is EXACTLY what Obama/Clinton did to Trump--before and after he was elected and inaugurated.

The Bill of Rights was created to LIMIT the powers of the government. The left-wing politicians all have one thing very much in common: limit the power of the people, and give it to the government--the government will decide what's good for you, and take care of everything for you, from cradle to grave. Thanks, but no thanks--I don't need, nor want, a government telling me how to make my living, live my life.


Re: I am tired of you bringing up Trump for no reason.

It really is amazing how many tech people drink the "hate Trump" KoolAid. You would think tech people rely more on logic vs. emotion/peer pressure/group think. Trump is the first Republican president (since Reagan) that actually has a spine and fights back. If the leftist world politicians get their way, the freedoms we (i.e. non-ruling class) currently enjoy will be gone. To a large extent, they already have succeeded in many ways--LOTS of people lose their jobs because they dare to challenge the "politically correct" mantra with posts on FaceBook, etc. Put a pro Trump bumper sticker on your car? Expect your car to get vandalized--many, many examples of in-your-face, violent and criminal acts continue to happen from the "woke" crowd/mobs. The fact that so many don't even know these acts happen so frequently is proof of the media's full-on, anti-right/anti-conservative/anti-free-speech agenda--the media do, and will continue to do, everything in their power to silence those that dare to have a different viewpoint. Looking forward to all the down-votes I'll get that helps prove my point--if my post makes it...

Kremlin-linked hackers believed to be behind Mac spyware Xagent


9Rune5, you really need a dose of common sense. Go visit China for just a few days and see how you fare with online comments that don't align with their government.

Bruce Schneier: The US government is coming for YOUR code, techies


Re: Well, maybe we should not put software in everything

It truly is amazing the number of down-votes you received for your well-written, logical post. Oh well...