Earth is not even a Type 1. Sad.
Make Earth Great Again! Build a wall around it!
(where's the icon for "insane clown"?)
197 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Feb 2017
“These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our Democratic process,” Cheung said.
This guy reminds me of Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf.
While tricking kids is always fun, the joke falls flat when criminals benefit from similar techniques.
No, it is not fun. A company without proper diligence or security mechanisms gets fooled by technical and loses some millions? That isn't good; they should ensure it does not happen again. Share the experiences so others can prevent similar attacks.
Now go pretend you're a parent and say something nasty for a kid in a fake video call. See how easy is to fix the problem you've caused.
That's why one of the first useful things I wrote with Turbo Pascal (ask grampa!) was a "miniback" application, that just read a bunch of files, created a text list of it, and spread the files into several floppies, splitting only files larger than 1.4Mb. Worked in any version of DOS and you could get individual files if needed. The executable was small enough to be added to the file list too.
That was in 1990, if memory serves me right (probably doesn't - 34 years of coding and booze are taking its toll).
Human perversity will probably ensure people are still hacking away in ISO C42 and using -std=c89 to retain K&R function definitions.
Human perversity will probably ensure that in some years we will have several languages to choose from, each a candidate to replace C.
Quoting from memory: "To the person who, even now, is creating the next great computer language" -- Bruce Eckel.
(and where's the icon for old fart??)
Click on all crosswalks / click click click / click on more crosswalks / click click / click on more crosswalks.
Now click on crosswalks while I slowly show new images of crosswalks. Did it? OK, now let me present new images even more slowly. Fading out and in a new one every two seconds.
Now click on all squares that contain a crosswalk. Now restart from scratch since the computer is still not sure you're a human.
Randall Munroe can explain.
I canceled three meetings today because of CrowdStrike. None of them were computer-based, -mediated or even -related.
When I was a kid I got several Hering Rasti block sets. I guess just a few countries outside Brazil and Argentina got those.
Each had instructions and pieces to create variations of vehicles, houses, etc.
Having mastered the basic instructions and variations the pieces were tossed into a Big Box o' Pieces, which I used to build whatever I fancied. The kits were nicely built, some had gears, plastic chains, wheels, and motors that ate lots of AA batteries. That was in the 70s...
You could ask another LLM what's wrong with it. With the proper tools (and prompt engineering!) you could even let them talk between themselves, discuss the code, fight about indentation and language preferences, disagree about variable names, and just stop working together because their partner is an a**hole. Just like real meatbag programmers!
Then you can add a third LLM to act as the group's leader and a fourth as project manager and see what happens. It'll be LLMs all the way down!
... we need a word for the complete opposite of a Luddite, for people and companies that jump on unproved tech concepts and start planning around it before seeing whether it is going to work or be useful, sometimes just because others are thinking about maybe doing it.
Tech bro, bandwagon jumper, "visionary", early adopter* and technophile* just aren't enough.
*ChatGPT suggestions.
its maker, Borland, wanted a little extra if a customer planned to distribute the binaries.
My father bought me a copy of TP4.0 from a trip to the USA. If I recall correctly, for around $50 you got the compiler and a big honking manual with ALL you needed. I had a lot of fun with that.
Some years later Borland released TP5.5, and then Borland had an official reseller in Brazil. I recall they had some discounts for users of older versions. I called them and asked about the discount and a very naughty representative told me that since I bought my version outside Brazil it was not considered a legal copy (!!) and I would have to pay the full price for the new version, which was way outside of my budget. Thus, a pirate was born.
Don't use drive, but do use Onedrive (cos the 6 user deal is brilliant value for money)
Always store locally, and preferably on multiple computers
My take on OneDrive: started using it for the same reason, and used the same procedure. I was using it to synchronize three Macs (work, home, and laptop for travel).
After some time I noticed that some of the files were not stored locally -- any attempt to open them required downloading. Also, the OneDrive app on the Mac is slow as hell, kept "looking for changes" or similar bullshit. Also, it crashed *silently* from time to time, making the computers out of sync. I got plenty of different versions of files that were out of sync.
Aside from the crashes, beachballed with an alarming frequency. Searched for solutions online, and almost all the suggestions were on the line of "reinstall and resync", which would take days.
I am evaluating Dropbox now, at least it is faster -- and more expansive, but honestly, the time I spent faffing with OneDrive was way more expensive for me.
"Zoom did not use customer audio, video, chat, screen-sharing, attachments, or other communications like customer content (such as poll results, whiteboard, and reactions) to train our AI models,"
Which is just too bad. They could use my audio+video+chat to create an AI version of me to attend endless virtual meetings while I sleep or goof off.