Its common for chatters to be banned when speaking the Truth.
Apparently bots are not exempted.
109 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Feb 2017
Some time about the early naughties the Toshiba Supercharge Battery was advertised as the new sliced bread, and Toshiba said that in a year from that we would hear much more about it.
What happened to it?
Charging to 80 percent in 5 minutes sounds attractive.
Sharing this range with so many satellites will not go over well with those in favour of uninterrupted Satellite TV!
I admit that the beamwidth of a DTH sat dish is only 2 degrees or less, but with that many sats, some of them ARE going to go through the beam occasionally, and then only Sponge Bob will look right...
>Interesting, but not exactly a major real-world threat.<
But TOMORROW a smartwatch with an SDR inside may be possible, and The Nerd Who Cried Wolf will have his day!
Doesn't stop him from being an irritating dweeb in the meantime, though..
As the admin said in Wargames:
Well said, Joerg!
You are apparently the only person with a brain, which seems about normal in here...
>to generate a whopping two trillion particles to form 25 billion galaxies.<
That is 80 particles per galaxy!
I believe even the much abused Milky Way has a few more than that.
Does that sound like an accurate simulation to you liberals?
Would you like to buy a few Eiffel Towers, I may have some NOS in a box somewhere?
The purpose of Extreme Extrapolation is to keep bottom feeding scientists in Latte, and the ignorant public entertained.
Just one of the many types of idiot "science" which today is more popular than the real thing...
Bigford ooralis bewinter malachi Dinesen drifted wall-fight snow-swathe dynamicity pomatums ecliptics McDermott yabbi EUUG neo-impressionism incapacitator unsplendidness unsharpen Walls dilemma chokers Carlini reverberated Dianthaceae troctolite polypier manner diabolic chevalier ribaudequin viridene nappies plagueproof EMA heliotherapies Soledad busulfans beduke phosphore low-frequency nonbeauties Ossetian Sugarland linsang serpentize Witbooi espanol telpherage zoogony patroon yeggs clamjamfry verminously crimple underturn woodbark Dev ----SNIP---
What is THAT?
Dictionary attack?
Intellectual Lorem Ipsum?
Poetry Made by Vogon Living In Onancock?
Euthanasia for Terrorists!
At some point we MUST decide to take away all human rights from people who decidedly do not behave as humans. Preferably NOW, while the numbers are still manageable.
First Human Duties, THEN Human Rights!
The human duties will simply consist of behaving like a civilised human being, with OUR society as the yardstick!
We have seven billion people on an earth that can only feed one billion in some sort of sustainable comfort. Having many bad specimens around is not helping.
It's amazing how many dimwitted hipsters fail to get that...
>The IdiotInChief & cronies/hangerson/sycophants are hardly anonymous, and between them seem to go out of their collective way to generate a metric buttload of "false news" ... at least the daily back-peddling sure makes it seem that way.<
Sheep will not see!
Sheep gets mugged, raped and murdered.
Sheep has seen, finally, but is now a DEAD sheep!!!
Next sheep, repeat rinse repeat...
Just go on chewing curd, Jake...