* Posts by Crash and Burn

1 publicly visible post • joined 8 Feb 2017

Elon Musk joins anti-Trump legal brief

Crash and Burn

Get a clue!

People of The US did not vote according the way that 90% of the media here in The US attempted to lead us.

We have earned that the media misleads, twists, and blatantly lies against their liberal agenda opponents while doing the same to influence voters to benefit their preferred, Soros and other super wealthy backed, liberal candidates.

Yes, half of the nation is fooled, the other half do not watch the television for news, nor do they respect celebritiy polotical commentary. How else could anybody but a liberal be elected? We do not trust our media nor our politicians. They are corrupt.

Do not fall for the image they paint on Trump nor any other person. They will slam any opposing view/person and praise any who support their agendas. We know what to expect from them. Notice that when a non liberal wins an election there is not so much "protest" in the streets rather RIOTS, mayhem, violence, and destruction of private and public property. Wheb liberals win, we grumble but use the system as intended to usurp those who want to spy on us and create laws for everything anybody does. We no longer have to make decisions in life, we just have to comply.

Half of our population,primarily large cities, worship liberals and Hollywood and drink the poison of their liberal programmig. They have been destroying our very foundations. Follow the money to Soros, et.al., who are using the chaos to their benefit.

YOU in Europe and for that matter, the entire world are also being influenced by those who want to eliminate religion and anything that might unite people. They want people to feel helpless among the chaos that they create, including immigration from countries with culture conflicts to ours, wars in countries to create "refugee crises", religions and race tensions, so that they can have the chaos environment for them to offer to "save" us from. To do that in a global manner, because they want a one world solution, they have created international wars.

Think about al the refugees. Would you not desire to "escape" to a place as close to the home you love as possible for a place that is most like your home and from which you could easily return when danger subsides? These people are not here for safety and they have no intent to return to their countries, They want to change OURS!!!

Do you realize that people did not leave England when it was being bombed by the Germans in WWII? Most of us are patriots to that extent. Imagine how much could be done helping people close to their homelands rather than paying expense of flying them across the sea or ocean only to burden other countries to make accommodations anyway? Leave them close to home and use the would be plane fares and welfare abroad to assist them near their homes.

Those "refugees" who die in their "escape" to The West, do so needlessly. Their demise only feeds the liberal message that we must show compassion. Where is the compassion of their local brethren in religion, culture, geography, and politics? There is PLENTY of territory in The Mideast yet they have no compassion for their own? They despise the West so much yet force their own to go there?

Do not be fooled! The intent is not to save Innocent people, rather to infiltrate countries with rapidly multiplying insurgents.

As a Native American, I see what is happening now in Europe, The US, and other non muslim countries as the colonization of The New World all over again. Indeed they bring disease, violence, and needs for handouts because they are not skilled, and do not know our language, nor do they intend to learn. They demand their laws in spite of our own. They beat and rape women, boys, girls, and men. Tey riot in YOUR streets.

That some and even most do not perpetrate crimes immediately does not diminish their effect as they multiply and refuse to assimilate. They are the most intolerant people in the world and a black hole for taxpayer money and resources.

Trump? He said what "We The People" wanted to hear, rather crudely as is his way (and he is becoming better at diplomacy) but at the volume and intensity we hope, after many elections, will finally get our government's attention.

Another important thing I see is a growing distance morally, economically, spiritually, and politically between those who live in high density popuation cities as opposed to suburbs and rural areas. This is so, going back to The American Civil War which left The South weaker than the north in terms of population density (voting influences) and size of cities. We are growing out of that. We can see how violent the cities are, particularly those in more liberal states.

Much of the South and West simply do not want to be like the culture, morals, and character of the cities yet they continue to impose their ways.