Re: Hmm
Except Trumps tax breaks didn't make a booming ecomony did they? if they had we would have seen a drop in the wealth inequality in America - something that hasn't happened oh and a little bit of fact checking shows Obama had periods of GDP growth bigger than trump ever had - so sorry codejunky your echo chamner is telling you porkies again.
Now i know you like simple black and white narrative but WHO like a lot of UN organisations has been hampered over the years by america not being inclined to have any UN organisation being able to tell it what to do, it resisted all efforts to give WHO the powers to force inspections on govenments and so they have had to play nice with people that were not being totally honest with them - so the WHO response is another of 'Merica fuck yeah policies coming home to roost. - As an intellectual exercise compare America's handling of WTO when it spent the time and effort to control it and implement American trade policies.
What is not in doubt was Obama America recognised the potential threat of viruses from china and arranged to have CDC personel on the ground to monitor China - posts Trump when getting in choose not to fill and left America blind at just the wrong time.
Funnily it seems to be only those countries run by popularist right wing governments that tried to ignore the covid problem that appear to have totally shit canned their economies while killing thousands because they didn't do lock downs properly or early enough.
Yeah its tough to see how Trump and Boris totally messed up the COVID response unless you actually open your eyes and look but maybe that would take you out of your nice safe space.
BTW even Sweeden admits it would do things differently now.