"Your backup routines suck!"
Back in 1997 I was working helpdesk for an organisation where a lot of users still had Windows 3.11. One of them called in and asked us to do a restore of a document that she had stored on a network drive.
I asked for the name of the document and the user wasn't sure. I asked when it was created, and the user told me:
* User had created the document that day and worked on it for several hours, carefully saving it often.
* Once User was finished, they closed it, They then decided to rename it
* User clicked on the document in Windows Explorer and marked the entire filename, including the ".doc" extension. They wrote the new name and pressed Enter.
* Then the file lost the "picture of the paper with the three little lines" . In other words, since User removed the ".doc" extension, Windows no longer associated it with a known file type and so the icon meaning "I know what this is" changed to a blank one (I think - like I said, this is more than 20 years ago).
* User got scared and deleted the file. And then called asking me to restore it.
The only problem was, even though we *did* do backups of files on network drives, those backups were made during the night... And documents on network drives did not end up in any Trash folder or had any other sort of recovery mechanism.
The user was not happy.