* Posts by david_kral@hotmail.com

7 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Feb 2017

Broadcom says VMware is a better money-making machine than it hoped


Typo: possibke

Windows 10 users report app gremlins after Microsoft update



For my private use I turned to ChromeOS and I am happy I did so.

Microsoft finds critical hole in operating system that for once isn't Windows


With regard to Microsoft and ChromeOS, I would highly appreciate Microsoft to re-enable Office Android apps on ChromeOS. (Now they are disabled for Chromebooks, most likely to prevent competition for MS Windows etc.)

Sweden leaked every car owners' details last year, then tried to hush it up


What really happened - leakage to/by IBM or just admins had access doing nothing wrong?

As far as I know, IT service providers like IBM are bound by confidentiality agreements and their employess are bound, too.

If there's any leakage by IBM, is it somehow proven and documented?

I think the biggest mistake was on Swedish customer side (in design of the database missing encryption of sensitive data fields - content not needed to be seen by DB admins + in low contractual requirements on confidentiality/certification of security standards on provider side etc.)

When the scandal hits political floor and journalists are digging in it, facts are becoming less and less important.

In Czech newspapers one could read, that Swedish government crisis because of Czech employees of IBM ... it could have been Belarus, Bangalore, ... any other IT service provision site in the world whom could have the customer contracted.

Fortran greybeards: Get your walking frames and shuffle over to NASA


This is not a good joke

I'm not 50 yet, but I've learned Fortan in secondary school. What walking frames do you mean? Eventually I would use nordic walking poles.

Microsoft wants screaming Windows fans, not just users


Like with Windows Mobile fans ...

Just try to look at http://www.windowscentral.com/does-microsoft-care-about-windows-phone-fans

Citrix bakes up Raspberry Pi client boxes


We have tested ViewSonic SC-T25. There is problem with multilanguage support, English keyboard is always pre-set as primary one, even when de-installed from the user profile. We didn't find any sutiable configuration of the SC-T25 as well as our Citrix software to make it working well. Seems to be still immature. ViewSonic support didn't help at all.