Re: The assumption that it's matter
I was unaware of The Church Of The Cosmic Star Goat until I read that comment. [The internet is a wonderful thing.]
I am now a true believer in the Cosmic Star Goat.
109 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jan 2017
Devils advocate.....
Not sure if that's true. I think if you haven't completed your journey (and are still on a public road) you are still driving, despite been parked with handbrake on. I'm assuming engine still running etc.
The police will prosecute you or give you a ticket if you're using your mobile while stationary with handbrake on, at red traffic lights for example. They say you're still driving, despite not moving, and so can't be distracted by the mobile phone.
I know the chances of getting a ticket while operating your garage doors (from the public road) with an app is practically nil, but I've got my pedants head on. :-)
I can't understand why they don't just get out of the car and open the garage by hand. Oh, it's too low tech, you say? I understand now.
A highly placed UK Government source has suggested removing Russia's access to hashtags. This will prevent any Russian entity from accessing the internet, and thus we can all sleep safely in our beds tonight.
I'm surprised no one suggested this earlier.
---> Icon...because like Paris, the highly placed UK Government source doesn't have a fucking clue.
Here's one selection of "Best VPNs"...
If you do a search you'll find lots of different lists, but you'll notice some of the same VPN providers cropping up time after time. That might point you in the right direction.
TrackMeNot is an add-on for Firefox (not sure if it works on other browsers, as I've not tried).
It runs in the background doing random searches to various search engines. You've control over the search engines, frequency of searches, and to some extent what the searches are for. You can add search engines, and change the sources of the search criteria.
It's certainly not perfect, but it helps muddy the waters for the ISPs.
I find it hard to believe that G4S would only send a warning letter to someone they suspected of tampering with their ankle tag.
Surely it's much easier to feel the collar of said miscreant and send him/her back to pokey?
Who's going to believe the miscreant when he/she whines "It wasn't me Guv"?
Over the weekend I read a suggestion from one genius that all car hire companies should have to ask their customers the reasons for hiring a vehicle. Apparently this would prevent future similar terrorist incidents.
Sales Clerk. "What is the proposed purpose of this vehicle hire?"
Terrorist. "I am a jihadist, and intend to carry out a terrorist attack against non-believers".
Sales Clerk. "OK Sir. Can you sign each page at the bottom where I've marked X. The pink copy is yours. You'll need to bring that back when you return the car. If you can take a seat over there for a few minutes, I've just to to ring PC Plod at the police station. Just an administrative thing. Shouldn't take too long."
It would be interesting to see how this affects the number of US customers VPN providers accrue over the coming weeks.
Are the US public (outside of the IT community) savvy enough to realise this is happening, and that they can avoid the data slurp by using a VPN? Anyone in Trumpland care to hazard an opinion?
[Segue into Viva Las Vegas]
I always keep a careful watch on my bank accounts after cancelling direct debits or subscriptions. It's astonishing that lots of naive folks put their trust in the ability of faceless companies to follow their request and stop billing them. It doesn't always turn out well.
This ----> "Meanwhile, it's the council tax payers who'll eventually foot the bill."
The council may even put next years council tax up by a few pennies to take the fine into account.
It's about time the actual persons guilty of such data breaches were also penalised by the ICO. It would probably make people a little more aware of their responsibilities if they knew they could get fined after a blatant cock-up.