My work laptop automatically installed copilot, then came up with a pop up that copilot is blocked on this machine. The same work laptop that they've disabled but not yet bothered to uninstall Connect Secure... I need to retire.
14 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jan 2017
Firstly, Mr Bastian sold at the perfect time. He may have had the business sense to see how Microsoft would seek to crush WP in it's quest for dominance.
Secondly, I have memories observing my mother using WP on DOS to type various legal documents, and I used it for quite a few school assignments myself. I shifted to WordPad once we were on Windows and used that for years. I never used MS Word until after college when it was made available for the Home Use Program for $10.
I still use the S7 edge. It has been a great phone (except for the lack of support as of this year). I have taken it to beaches, pools, hot tubs and it has never failed me after I dusted or rinsed it clean. Since I have an unnatural distaste for fingerprints on smartphones (or monitors, or television sets), I would wash the thing often.
My only gripe was that, rather logically, the touchscreen would go into conniptions in the rain. That is, all until I dropped it and cracked the screen last year. I bought a replacement as it was down to $200 but the replacement was definitely not as water resistant as a new unit!
I am in the market for a phone that gets security updates but still stung by the $800 I paid back in 2016; the phone is perfectly suitable and should be supported for a few more years!
poor internet service will do nothing for the country. Whether this is the best way to improve service is up for debate but it will likely be effective. His second step as benign dictator should be to block Facebook at the border and keep people from squandering all their newfound connectivity on whatever the hell FB is good for. Viral videos & antivax propaganda?
The promotional video looks like you'll fit right in as long as you're 25 years old and could moonlight as "the attractive one that gets killed" in a B-movie. No, thank you.
For most Teams "meetings" I have attended, only the presenter and the hapless have their cameras on. One person who couldn't figure out the settings had their camera trained on a half-eaten bag of snacks most of the meeting. It was more disheartening than amusing. I kindly suggested they switch their camera off as it became a bit of a distraction.