* Posts by BoraHorzaGobuchul

8 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jan 2017

Surprise! That £339 world's first 'anti-5G' protection device is just a £5 USB drive with a nice sticker on it


Re: What 5G ?

Just like not walking on the cracks in the pavement...

To prevent the lions getting you.

Square peg of modem won't fit into round hole of PC? I saw to it, bloke tells horrified mate


Re: DIMM Slots

Bash to fit, paint to hide.

How's your night sky looking? The Reg chats to astroboffin Mark McCaughrean about Starlink and leaving a mark


Re: Space the final Frontier - allegedly

The main thing about using the Moon for astronomy is that it's like a bad party: there's no atmosphere.

That, and on the far side a lack of RF interference from Earth (for the radio astronomy types).

Astroboffin gets magnets stuck up his schnozz trying and failing to invent anti-face-touching coronavirus gizmo


I shouldn't laugh really...

But I've worked with many highly intelligent scientists who shouldn't be trusted with pliers, let alone powerful Neodymium magnets.

Samsung cops to data leak after unsolicited '1/1' Find my Mobile push notification

Black Helicopters

Covid 19 quarantine tracker...?

It was only meant for the Korean market.

Find my virus carrier. Make sure they're not out and about spreading it??

Ever wondered what Microsoft really thought about the iPad? Ex-Windows boss spills beans


Courier anyone?

Right about this time Microsoft were playing with the Courier idea (dual screen pen and touch tablet). Was the iPad the device that killed this off? It looked like an interesting concept at the time, and it's almost come back as the Surface Duo.

Dear Britain's mast-fearing Nimbys: Do you want your phone to work or not?


Higher was better

I used to have a perfectly usable EE signal when the local mast was on top of a 25m water tower.

A few years ago the water tower was knocked down and replaced by a 15m mast... bye bye signal.

A bit of experimentation with other SIMs demonstrated that O2 had the highest transmitter on the mast (and the best signal). Bye bye EE.

You know what, maybe Tabby's star ate a planet, ponder space eggheads


Re: reading this late on a friday afternoon.

That would be Wow - Oh! Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me Right Now. Smack