Stupidity of it all
[quote]The fact is 99.9% of people ARE dishonest if they think they can get away with it, thats human nature.[/quote]
No. Actually, they are not. If you can't look around your own life and figure out why this quote is total and complete nonsense, there is no point in me pointing it out to you. It would be over you head.
Frankly, DRM has been responsible for spawning more pirates than it prevented. How many people have been in the situation where they buy a game, install it and then try to run it only to have the copy protection prevent it from running on their system?
What do they do? Normally, they call a friend or relative that knows a lot more about computers than they do. And this person shows them how to "get it running" by downloading and using a cracked executable. Now, they are happy. They are playing the game they bought.
But the next time a game comes out (especially by "that' publisher), they might just check to see if a crack is available before they buy it. Just to be sure.
And what do they find? The entire game ready for download. And who knows? They might be tempted to download it and "try it" before they buy it. And that is where the true human condition comes and makes them a full pirate: laziness. Why would they go to the store to buy the game when they are busy playing it already? It's not that they don't INTEND to buy it, it just they never get around to it. One sale lost.
Of course, the next time one of THEIR friends calls with a problem on a game, they know just what to do to get it "working".
Frankly, the game industry is in worse shape now than they would be if they had just left it alone. The downloads are STILL available, but now you have people who download the game simply because they are still pissed at you because of all the trouble your last copy protected game caused them.
Plus, I find it amusing that EVERY SINGLE GAME just HAS to be worth $50 (in the US for a "standard" PC game). Oh really? I have seen plenty of games that I would be happy to spend $20 or may be $30 on, but in no way would I spend $50 on it. Some of those games, I have purchased when they got dumped into the bargain bin. Others, by the time they hit the bargain bin, I had no desire to even try them. Not even for $10.
Is every single car on the road worth $400k? There are a few cars that sell for that much, so why don't car makes price ALL their cars that high? If they thought like the game industry does, they would try it.