* Posts by fgeva

11 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Dec 2016

RISC-V CTO: We won't dictate chip design like Arm and x86


Very interesting, but not RISC-V?

From what I can find, that thing is not RISC-V. Am I missing something?

Today I shall explain how dual monitors work using the medium of interpretive dance


Re: Examples...

Thank you! That's an *excellent* analogy that will come in handy!

Let's... drawer a veil over why this laser printer would decide to stop working randomly


Something similar

One of our customers used to have a PC that had some stability issues. It rebooted every now and then without an obvious reason.

One day, I happened to have to check something at that PC. I sat down, slid the chair forward, felt my knee bump something, and the PC rebooted. Some slight rearranging of things so the reset switch wasn't right in front of the user's knee then fixed the problem.

How generous of GitHub to slash prices and make all its core features free. So what gives? Oh right, GitLab


Open Source != Public

There has never been a requirement on github that public repositories had to be open source.

Star wreck: There's a 1 in 20 chance a NASA telescope and US military satellite will smash into each other today


I think that's actually the case now, but well, 1967 and 1983... There's a lot of old stuff up there

Sysadmin misses out on paycheck after student test runs amok


Re: Naming Schemes

You missed Hex!

This comment was typed on Zorac, who in this laptop form is a lot smaller and less powerful than the original.

Linux Beep bug joke backfires as branded fix falls short


Re: What the *beep*?

When you install debian, you get asked if you want to install popcon and contribute to those statistics. The default answer is "no", by the way.

'Coke dealer' called us after his stash was stolen – cops


Re: Florida Man

That's impossible, by definition.

Did webcam 'performer' offer support chap payment in kind?


What are virii infections?