* Posts by Rattlerjake

14 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Dec 2016

NASA's 161-second helicopter tour of Martian terrain


So gullible

To all of you mental midgets who actually believe this garbage - are you really so gullible that you think this is possible???? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Woman sues McDonald's for $14 after cheeseburger ad did exactly what it's designed to


Re: For those who believe in such things...

I don't eat at McDonald's, because I'm not into dumpster-diving!

Facebook's new hookup: A pair of submarine cables to link North America, Indonesia, Singapore


So if there are so many satellites, why does anyone need cables connecting across the ocean? Further proof that satellites don't exist!

Microsoft backs Australia’s pay-for-news plan, risks massive blowback over a lousy $3bn and change


Re: News, rewards

Why would anyone listen to news that comes from either of those sources?


What a fool - they claim "helping to combat climate change"; planting trees does NOT combat climate change. Trees need CO2, so combating CO2 is lessening a vital gas needed for trees to exist, so it would wiser to help increase CO2 production, like they do in greenhouses to increase plant growth!

Facebook appeals ruling that it stole tech. So, Italian judge issues new judgment: Pay 10 times the original fine


Re: Only an order of magnitude?

Agree, 3.8 million is pocket change for zuckerturd!

CEO of motherboard maker MSI dies after plunging from headquarters' seventh-floor


Re: :-(

It had to be covid19, everyone is dying of covid19.

Far-right leader walks free from court after conviction for refusing to hand his phone passcode over to police


Re: Would never have happened in my day

You're exactly right. The people who use the words racist and racism are usually more racist then those whom they accuse. Racism is used to prevent anything negative from being said about certain groups of people, especially when those negative statements are based on FACT!

You will NEVER get rid of racism by making a law, you'll just make the hate go underground. Racism itself means nothing, but discrimination is what needs to be prevented, and not by making laws that favors one race over another, as in affirmative action, because it just makes it worse.

It's also time to stop claiming that there dozens of races when there are only THREE (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid), all others are ethnic, political, religious, or geographical groups, and nationalities, etc. which come directly from or are crosses of the three races not separate races themselves.

We dunno what's more wild: This vid of Japan's probe bouncing off an asteroid to collect a sample – or that the rock was sun-burnt



If you really believe in this crap count yourself as one of the gullible sheeple!

Fed-up air safety bods ban A350 pilots from enjoying cockpit coffees


They can make a $50 cellphone that can be completely submerged in water, but can't "liquid" proof the electronics in a $360 million aircraft, imagine that!

Not just adhesive, but alcohol-resistant adhesive: Well done, Apple. Airpods Pro repairability is a zero


What do you expect?

Businesses like Apple are only in it for the money - their products are over priced and not repairable. They are designed to either only last a certain amount of time or become obsolete. Only fools feed these greedy corporations!

Traffic lights worldwide set to change after Swedish engineer saw red over getting a ticket


Re: Show this to the Mexican police

Maybe you should do some research into the legality of those redlight cameras.

Ancient water found in Canada is two billion years old – giving hope to Mars colony dreamers


Re: Mars Colony Dreamers

It would be worth the cost to send all of the Hil-LIAR-y and Buttcrack Ovomit supporters there!


Re: Sounds Familiar...

This is hilarious, considering that the earth is only 7000(+/-) years old!