Re: Just like us.
I apologise for the inexpert hand-waving but in an attempt to answer your question....
I would agree that you can't assume that everything will be the same but life (of any type) does have certain ineradicable qualities to count as life.
- It must be able to sustain and propagate a certain level of complexity
- It must be able to 'metabolise' some form of energy to achieve this.
- It needs some way to pass on this complexity to future generations - unless it is immortal - but then you get the question of how an immortal being arose from nothing and that's a whole other level of metaphysical enquiry.
- There are others but this is enough for this argument.
So Carbon provide s a very good base for a HUGE range of molecules and reactions which make the first requirement achievable. There have been suggestions that Silicon MIGHT be able to do something similar but there are other issues which make people doubtful. I am not a chemist.
Then you will need some sort of solvent to transport and mix these chemicals and here water is the stand-out candidate. There are others but again you run into problems matching your solvent and your silicon-based chemistry in the right conditions in some sustainable way (although imagination may be limited). I am not a chemist.
And finally all of the OMG! WTF? life forms ARE based on exactly the same chemistry and requirements as us.
So, not conclusive but definitely strong pointers in the directions one is most likely to find life......
I hope that helps - - and that other, wiser commentards will forgive the shortcomings in the answer.