* Posts by Farcycle

7 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2016

Microsoft and GM deal means your next car might talk, lie, gaslight and manipulate you


Re: Re - speedometer accuracy

I use an OBD reader connected my car ECU and it reads the vehicle speed amongst all the other live data. When in motion the speed shown here is a very close match to the speed using GPS, whereas the speedometer is always over reading by 6-10%, so the vehicle does know very accurately how fast you're going but the speedo is obviously deliberately engineered to lie.

Five British companies fined for making half a million nuisance calls


I'm glad I got my parents a callblocking phone, whitelisted all family, friends and important companies leaving anyone not on the whitelist to have to declare who they are before the phone even rings. 99% of them don't pass that hurdle, and the few that try, answer so incomprehensively my parents just hang up on them. I scan their call list when I can and add any dodgy numbers to the blacklist. I recommend one for the elderly, does sometimes catch valid callers out, but I whitelist them too for next time.

Your data centre UPS could feed power to the smart grid, suggests research


Re: Smart but dark

Oh yeah, seen that wth several customers, power fails, UPS fails within minutes - oh why's that then? Um, when was the last time the batteries were replaced/were even slightly examined? They were new 10 years ago - uh huh, there's your problem!

Amazon tells folks it will stop accepting UK Visa credit cards via weird empty email


Re: Will be interesting

My bank is part of the HSBC group and has also just switched from Visa debit to MC debit, and I seem to recall a statement somewhere saying credit cards will be following soon. So it seems a lot of pretty big companies are unhappy with Visa.

Forget toilet roll, bandwidth is the new ration: Amazon, YouTube also degrade video in Europe to keep 'net running amid coronavirus crunch


I'm happy for Netflix to drop my stream quality during these troubled times - will they also be dropping my subscription fee?

Surge in home working highlights Microsoft licensing issue: If you are not on subscription, working remotely is a premium feature


Re: The most simple way is not mentioned here?

Everything you need on the fileservers? - sure if you're just editing documents, how about the myriad of servers, networks and applications that many of us need to access daily that are blocked (quite rightly) over VPN access?

If I use my company laptop from home I'm severely limited, RDP to that laptop sat on the company network from my home machine over VPN, which is definitely as secure as my work machine, and all functionality is available to me.

Investigatory Powers Act signed into UK law by Queen


Re: Never I'd ask this question...

Froot VPN, based in Sweden with higher privacy laws than we have, and they don't keep logs anyway.